Random short Scenerios (Everyone x Reader)

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The winner is FandomTraveller0518!!!!!*Party ponies dancing and singing*

Congratulations!!!!!*hands the winner blue cookies!* :)


I claim no copyright on these.I took them from pinterest and other places.So the idea belongs to the original owners. And yeah, these are scenerios,not imagines.

~~~~~PERCY (You both are dating)

Percy: Wanna know something?

You: What?

Percy: Loving you was the 2nd best thing I ever did.

You: What was the first ?

Percy: Finding you.

~~~~~NICO (You both are dating)

You: Can I confess something?

Nico: Sure.

You: You're smile is the cutest thing ever.

Nico: Can I confess something as well?

You: Sure!

Nico: That smile exists only when I'm with you.

~~~~~LEO (You both are good friends and he wants to confess)

Leo:How can I tell her 'I love you'?

You: Just do it.

Leo: Okay.Can I practice it with you once?


Leo: I love you.

You: I love you too! Now go tell her.

Leo: But I just did.

~~~~~JASON (You both are married) (Let me clear this misconception, You both are older. Please, if you were like, 17, that would be extremely creepy and disturbing and sometimes, even against the law)

Jason: You're my princess.

You: Only yours.

Jason: Only for now, though.....

You: What do you mean? *frowns*

Jason: Because I might call another one 'princess'

You: ..............

Jason: And she will call you mommy.

~~~~~FRANK (You both are dating)

You: Whenever I feel pretty about myself, I see this really pretty girl walks by and my self esteem drops.

Frank: Stop walking by mirrors.

~~~~~WILL (You both are best friends )

You: Guess whom I kissed on the new year's eve?

Will: Who?

You: The mirror! HAHAHA! *Sad laugh*

Will: At least you can say that you kissed someone hot.

~~~~~LUKE (You both are dating)

Luke: Hey one more thing, has anyone told you what's wrong with you today?"

You: No.. *frowns*

Luke: Good, because there's nothing wrong to say about you!

~~~~CONNOR (You both are friends and he wants to hold your hands....and confess...?)

Connor: Can I ask you for a small favor?

You: Sure!

Connor: *holds out his hand*  Would you hold this for me while I go for a walk?

~~~~TRAVIS (You both are close friends and he wants to confess)

Travis: *sets his phone on selfie mode and walks up to you* *raises his phone so that you both are in the photo*

Travis: What do you think of this couple? *smiles*

~~~~OCTAVIAN (You both are strangers and become friends?)

 Octavian: Are you from Tennessee?

You : No.....why do you ask?

Octavian: Because you're beautiful and I wanted to start a conversation.


TADAA!! :)

These were so cute that I wanted to put them here even though I have finished the book. So SURPRISE!! :)

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