Percy x Reader

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Your boyfriend Percy and you were gonna watch some movies together tonight.You were really excited.There was a knock on the cabin to reveal Percy who was holding loads of snacks.

"Which movie do you want to watch Percy?"you asked

"Umm....probably Perks of Being a wallflower."he answered.

"Just because the protagonist looks like you does not mean that we should watch the same movie again."you stated and he frowned.

"Okay....How about Jaws or Free Willy or perhaps Finding Nemo?"He asked hopefully.

"Nuh-uh.We have already seen all those movies. We saw Finding Nemo thrice this month"you said.

He pouted and you giggled."Okay fine.How about we watch Jurassic World?"you said and he nodded excitedly like a 3 year old. The movie began playing and you guys started eating the popcorn.

*After 3/4 of the movie*

Percy's p.o.v

This movie is amazhang so far.Y/N is truly a genius for selecting this movie.

I was watching the movie very intensely when suddenly I felt a slight weight on my shoulder.I turned my face with an annoyed expression on my face.My facial expression completely changed when I saw a peacefully sleeping y/n.

She looked so calm and pretty like an angel.

Completely the opposite of how she is when she's awake. She's a little devil when she's awake.

Narrator's p.o.v.

Percy sighed contentedly. As soon as he saw the television screen, his previous thoughts were forgotten. Then continued watching the film and eating the pizzas. That's a typical Percy for you. 

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