The 7 x Reader {Christmas special}

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requested by NicoleAllan7.I didn't know how exactly to go about it........I decided to make it a friendship one-shot.

It was the Christmas eve.The 7 and you were sitting near the Christmas wish-list tree and reading the wishes.The campers used to write whatever they wanted on a piece of paper and hang it on the tree and a group of secret volunteers used to buy the gifts and keep it under the tree on the Christmas eve night.This year,you guys decided to volunteer.

"Oh my gods!Look what Nico wants this year!!!!"Leo whisper-shouted.You took the paper from him and read the content.
"He wants a My little pony plushie!!!"you said while giggling."Never knew that there was an inner fangirl... uh boy...inside him!"Piper exclaimed.Suddenly Annabeth started smirking.
"Conner wants a copy of Harry potter and The Deathly Hallows book"she said."I never thought that he likes the series"you commented and Percy nodded.
"Every.single.kid in the Aphrodite cabin wants a new make up set!Even the guys!"Piper said,looking shocked."Apparently just like drug addicts,there are make-up addicts too!"Jason said making everyone laugh.
"Travis wants a kiss from!I guess you gotta make the ship sail, Pipes!"Hazel said and Piper started squealing.
"Will wants Nico to be happy!and he wants some band-aids for the infirmary!Such a kind soul!"Frank said and everyone nodded in agreement."Will wants everyone to be happy,especially Nico"Percy said.
"Reyna wants a new video game,preferably God of War.Now we know how she is so strong at strategies and warfare!"Leo exclaimed.
"Probably I could also play it with her!"Percy declared and Annabeth glared at him."Just kidding!Just kidding!"Percy said sheepishly.
"Mr D wants a new Barbie doll.Why does he want a flipping Barbie doll?"Percy said and everyone looked at him strangely."Don't look at me like that.It's written here!"he gave the piece of paper in his hand to Annabeth.
"Anyways,now lets not waste time.Lets go and buy the gifts!"Jason said and you all left.The you guys bought the gifts and kept it under the tree.

~Next morning~

You woke up to the sound of people cheering and wishing each other 'Merry Christmas!'You came out of the cabin to see everyone opening their gifts and happily chatting with everyone.Nico was hugging his plushie and Will was 'awwing' at him.Connor secretly hid his book and rushed towards the Hermes Cabin.Drew was applying loads of makeup.Octavian was tightly hugging his new teddy.The 7 were standing in a corner and happily talking within themselves.You decided to join."Wow!Sleepy head is finally awake"Leo said,earning a fake-glare from you."Merry Christmas guys!"you greeted."Merry Christmas!"everyone replied."It feels so happy to see everyone happy!" Hazel said and you guys nodded.

"Hey!Where is my gift!"Mr D shouted.You saw Travis quietly  gripping it in his hands and walking towards Chiron.He quietly slipped it inside Chiron's bag.You guys had a good time laughing.And guess what?Travis got a fortnight's kitchen duty.

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