Children of Big three x reader

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For @NicoleAllan7 !!!!Nico might seem a bit OOC!Sorry!!

Walking through the turnstile at the front gate you had just passed, you sighed as you heard your friends Percy,Jason and Nico chatting and shoving their way behind you.
It was crowded and loud at the theme park.The males had somehow convinced you to spend the day at with them.

"Y/N! Where do you want to go first?" Jason questioned.

"How about the teacups?"you said and grinned excitedly.

"Okay!But I get to choose the next ride"Nico whined.

"I call dibs on sitting with Y/N!" Percy exclaimed while throwing an arm around you.

Your cheeks flushed "Percy?"

He grinned down at you before pulling you to the nearest teacup.

After you had gotten as comfortable, you looked over to see a cramped Jason and Nico in the cup beside you, not looking too happy.Percy giggled at them, earning glares

Percy was very happy to spin the vehicle at the fastest the wheel in the center could take it.He squealed and giggled and threw an arm around you,while you blushed.

"I bet we can spin ours faster than yours!" Jason challenged while Nico was shaking his head frantically and saying 'no'

"You're on!" you called back to him,sending him a competitive smile.

After the ride was over,all four of you stumbled and came out.Poor Nico was so dizzy that he fell down and  had a face plant.

After regaining his sense of balance,Jason noticed a sign in the distance and said,"Next to the roller coaster"

"Hey!It was my turn to choose a ride!"Nico wailed.

"Aww man!Can we please go on Roller coaster?"Jason asked.

"Fine! But this time I am gonna sit with Y/N"Nico said.

You guys hurried to get the tickets.Percy was chickening out because he remembered the roller coaster scene from 'Final Destination'.But you guys pulled him towards the ride,while he was backing away .Everyone was staring at you guys amusedly(is that even a word?).Finally,he gave in and you guys went on the roller coaster.


It was becoming darker.

"Don't you guys think that we should get going?"Jason asked while Percy bought all of you some cotton candy.

"Noooo.Please?!One more ride!Please"you and Percy gave him your best puppy dog eyes.

"Okay fine!Just one more ride!I am doing this for Y/N.Your puppy dog eyes suck,Percy"Jason said while you and Nico giggled and Percy pouted.

"How about we go to the Ferris wheel?"Nico suggested and you nodded.

Thankfully 4 people could sit on one car(or cabin,whatever)."Say cheers!!!"Percy said and clicked a groupfie.


"That was a surprisingly good ride" You admitted to your companions who were still laughing at the  pictures taken.

"Wait.Where is Percy?" Nico asked.You began searching for Percy immediately.Suddenly ,a big teddy-bear came up behind you.A person in a costume that is.

"Searching for me?"The bear asked.

"Omg!You almost gave me a heart-attack Percy!"you exclaimed while he was laughing.

"Where did you get the costume?"Jason asked

"THERE HE IS! GRAB HIM!" A voice rang out. You see a man that was only in his My Little Pony boxers racing towards the four of you.  


"So, Y/N, how does it feel to have the three greatest friends in the world?" Percy asked,though secretly,all three of them wanted to be more than that.You guys were driving back to CHB.

"Oh, is that what you call yourselves now?" Came your reply.

"Hey!" The three voices out and elbows jabbed into your sides playfully.

"I'm joking, You guys are pretty awesome!"you said,only to hear the sound of High fives.

Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now