Leo x Reader

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Requested by @EmmelineLupin. Hope you enjoyed it! ^.^ 

And guys,those who ship Brason or Stason,could you please check out my Brick x Jason x Stapler.It's a crack!fic. It's not mandatory though.Thank you! :)
Anyways,I noticed that a lot of you guys wanted a part 2 for the previous Percy x Reader. But I'm so sorry guys.I honestly don't know how to go about a part 2. Sorry! 


You and Leo had gotten into a fight.Again.You were just frustrated that he wouldn't accept his mistake.That is the only thing you hate about him.

So there you were,in your cabin,sitting on your bed and reading some fanfics to distract yourself from the silly fight(A/N:Cheers to those who'd read phanfics!!)

Suddenly,one of your siblings came up to you and gave you a note.It said,

Dear Y/N.
I know you might be mad at me.But I'm sorry for whatever happened today.It was my mistake.And I feel really guilty about it.If you're ready to forgive me,please come to Bunker at 7 pm tonight.
~Your Latino elf

You smiled at the old nickname.

'Well,At least he owned up for his mistake.So I guess I'll go'you thought to yourself and waited till it was 7 pm.

~~Timeskip~~7:15 pm

You knocked the bunker 9's door.Leo opened it and grinned widely.

"I was beginning to think that you weren't going to come"he said and you smiled.He then led you inside.You gasped when you saw a romantic candle light dinner laid in front of you.You placed a kiss on his cheek.He blushed.

"I know this is too cheesy......."he trailed off.

"No worries.I love it"you said and he grinned from ear to ear.

You both sat down and Jason came up to you guys with a tray.

"We have tomato soup and soft bread for the starters"he said and served you food.

"Jason?"you asked.

"It was Leo's idea....."he winked and walked away.

You suddenly felt rose petals falling on you.You turned around and saw Nico throwing rose petals at you both while grumbling.You noticed that he also had a heart shaped bow and arrow.You looked at him questioningly and started laughing.He blushed.

"I'm planning a revenge for Valdez!You're gonna pay!"he said creepily and Leo paled.

Now Percy came up to your table with some food.

"We have (favorite food) for the main course"he said and gracefully placed your food on the table and turned to walk away.But being the clumsy person he is,he tripped over his shoelaces and face-planted.

"Oh my gods!Are you alright?"you asked while helping him up.He nodded and gave you a thumbs up.

You guys finished your meal.

"I'm full!Thank you so much,guys!"you said.

"Wait!There's dessert left!"Piper shouted from somewhere.

"Don't worry!I'll always have some space left for dessert!"you said cheerfully and Leo chuckled.

Piper finally came and served you the dessert while grinning(it was jelly).

"Yummmm!"you moaned when you tasted the jelly.

"So how did you like the food?"Leo asked after you finished eating.

"It was AMAZHANG.Thank you so much Leo.And thank you so much everybody"you said.

"No problem.Anything for you,Y/N"everybody said in a chorus.

"Thank gods!It took me so much of time to make this"Leo said dramatically.

"27 minutes,eh?"you asked and he paled.

"Wh-what are you talking about?"he stuttered.

"Well,I got a message saying 'your food has been delivered.Time taken=27 minutes'  on my phone before I left my cabin"you said.Leo face-palmed.

"Aww man!I thought my plan was fool-proof!I guess I accidentally gave your number instead of mine"he said and giggled nervously,expecting you to leave anytime without a word.

Instead,you pulled him into a kiss.

"Hey!We guys are still here!"Nico shouted.

"Hey,if you are feeling jealous,Don't worry!You can kiss me anytime!"You heard Will saying and Nico turned bright red.

"You're not mad?"Leo asked you.

"How can I be mad when you look so cute?"

Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now