Nico x Reader

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You were sitting in the Poseidon cabin and playing truth or dare with the 7,Connor,Travis and Nico.

"Percy,truth or dare?"Piper asked.

"Truth!"Percy said.

"Aww man,you're such a spoilsport!"Travis said and he glared at him.

"Anyways,imagine everyone except you got genderbent,then who would you date?"Piper asked.

"I'll probably go gay for Annabeth!"Percy said and Annabeth face-palmed.

"Anyways,Nico,dare or dare?"Percy asked.

"Even if you hadn't said it this way,I would have still chosen Dare!"Nico said.

"That's the spirit!"Percy said.

Nico looked offended at the pun.

"Says the one who choose truth!"Nico said and everyone screamed,"Burnnnn!"

Then Jason told something to Percy.

"I dare you to show us the first page of your diary!"Percy said and Jason grinned. Nico paled.  He realized that he shouldn't have told them about his diary.By that time,everyone knew Jason planned the dare.

"I'm not doing it!" Nico stated.

"A dare is a dare!"Jason reminded. Nico went to Hades cabin and came back after 5 minutes,carrying a pink diary.

"A diary for Princesses!"Percy read the title out loud and everyone started laughing.

"Shut up!The shopkeeper didn't have another diary!" Nico said,looking flustered.Percy turned to the first page and started laughing even more. Nico covered his face with his hands.

"Dear diary,
I'm writing this to let you know that I'm sick and tired of everyone calling me kawaii.
I'm not kawaii! I'm manly as f**kPercy read it out and everyone started laughing even more.

"Aww!"you said and Nico playfully glared at you.Then you whispered something in Nico's ear and he grinned like Cheshire cat.

"Jason,truth or dare?"he asked while grinning evilly.Jason didn't take the hint and said,"Dare!"

"I dare you to fly around the camp wearing your underwear on top of your jeans and scream 'I am the Blonde superman'.Oh,and don't forget to wear a cape" 

Nico said and Jason glared at both of you.

He finally dressed up like superman and did the dare.


"It's Jason,sir!I hate Justin Bieber"Jason said and flew back towards the cabin.


Everyone was giggling when he came back.

"Y/N,truth or dare?"Jason asked.You,being the little dare-devil,said,"Dare!"

"I dare you to change your ringtone to 'Barbie girl' and go and stand outside the Aphrodite Cabin.One of us will call you.But don't attend the call.Let it ring!"Jason said and Piper looked horrified.

"I never thought that such an innocent person could give a dare like this!"She exclaimed and everybody nodded.

You changed your ringtone and stood outside the Aphrodite cabin.You received a call from Leo.

"I'm a Barbie girl
  In the Barbie world
  Life of plastic,
  It's fantastic!" 
your phone sang.Suddenly,you felt an earthquake.You realized it was a stampede.The Aphrodite cabin's door burst open(with Drew in lead,obviously).

"OMG!I JUST HEARD THE BARBIE SONG!!" a guy fangirled.

"OMG!YESSS!WHERE IS BARBIE?!?!" a girl said.Then they heard your phone still ringing.They all jumped on top of you.

You came back after 15 minutes looking like Edward Cullen,the sparkling vampire because they put glitter on you.

"What did I ever do to you Jason Grace?"You glared at him and everybody giggled.

"Anyways Leo,truth or dare?"you asked.

"Truth"he said.He must have realized that you were going to give him an impossible dare because he was the one who called you.

"Tell us your worst fear"you said.He mumbled something.

"What?"Travis asked.

"Rabbits......"he confessed and everyone giggled.

"Hey! Rabbits have those red evil eyes and a murderous look on their face. They are secret mass murderers! Anyways, Annabeth,truth or dare?" Leo said.

"Dare!"she said confidently.

"The Hermes Cabin has a pet tarantula.You have to go and touch it" Leo said and she paled.

Everybody went to Hermes cabin to watch her perform the stunt.

"Oh my gods!I can't do this!I can't do this!!"she said,looking horrified.

"You have to do it!"Connor reminded.

She slowly raised her index finger and touched the spider.And within a millisecond,she fainted.

"Well,she at least completed her dare!"Leo said

"SOMEONE TAKE HER TO THE INFIRMARY!"You shouted and Percy picked her up bridal style.

"I guess we'll continue the game tomorrow...."Leo said and you guys took Annabeth to the infirmary.Will burst out laughing after he heard the whole story(from the beginning) from you and Nico.

"It's nothing serious,she has just fainted!"Will's half-brother told and you all sighed in relief.

Lets just say that after Chiron heard the story,He decided to return the tarantula to the pet shop.

Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now