Chibi!guys x Babysitter!Reader

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A/N:I've wanted to do this for a while now.Hope you like it!

You were supposed to babysit 8 kids today. Though the parents promised to pay you a very good amount, you thought baysitting 8 kids was too much. You accepted their offer anyway because you so needed that money to buy that (your fav. artist) album.

 You took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. A guy opened the door and flashed you a charming smile.

"What is a pretty lady like you doing here?" He asked, taking your hand for a kiss. You immediately withdrew your hand.

"Enough Apollo. Stop flirting with the young lady. Now,Hermes,where is my wallet?" someone shouted and a guy with black hair and sea-green eyes came out of a room looking angry.

"Hey! I didn't take your wallet, Poseidon"A man with an impish grin and brown hair replied. You assumed it was Hermes.

"Okay guys. ENOUGH! We are already late!!" a guy with blond hair and electric blue eyes shouted. Everybody shut up at once. #Leadership Goals

"Good! And I suppose you are the babysitter, Y/N.Pleasure to meet you. I'm Zeus" he said turning towards you and gave you a list of things to do.

"Important phone numbers are on the fridge. If you have any problems, feel free to call us. We will take at least a few hours to return. The kids are in that room." he said pointing to a room. The parents left the room and Apollo and Hermes flashed you a wink and mischievous smile before leaving. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Poseidon smack their heads. 

You opened the kids' room and saw 8 small children (about 6-7 years old) watching The Looney Tunes show .All their head turned towards you at once. They were sooo cute!!!

"Umm....Are you our baby sitter?" asked a guy with black hair and sea green eyes. He looked like his dad, Poseidon.

"Yeah. Y/N L/N at your service"you said making them giggle. "So why don't you introduce yourselves?"you asked.

*Time skip after introduction*

So you slowly got to know more about Percy, Jason, Nico, Will, Connor, Travis, Leo and Frank. Connor and Travis were mischievous sons of Hermes. So far no one annoyed you.

"So what do you guys want to do?" you asked them.

"Hey! I want to watch a superhero movie" Percy and Jason said at the same time.

"But I want to watch a nice romance movie" Frank pouted. You internally squealed at how cute he looked.

"No!! Leo says we should watch Jurassic Park or Some nice car chase movie" Leo announced.

"We agree with Leo" Connor and Travis said. Will wanted to watch some cool comedy movie.

"I suggest that we should watch a horror movie"Nico declared and Percy and Frank turned pale. They soon began arguing among themselves.

"Guys SHHH!"You put a finger on your lips and they all turned to look at you with guilty looks on their face.

"Hey!!Why don't we have a movie marathon?" You said grinning.

"But what is a movie marathon?"Leo asked timidly.(A/N:I know.completely ooc)

"Movie marathon is when you watch a lot of movies together in a single day" you said and they grinned ear to ear.

*Gods'(parents') P.O.V after a lot of Frozen and Tangled and Some COOL car chase movies*

They opened the door to see all the kids cuddling with Y/N on the sofa watching. Hades was actually surprised to see Nico on Y/N's lap. Even Zeus was smiling for a change.

"Aww!" cooed Apollo and Poseidon catching everyone's attention.

"Thank you Y/N.You have done a great job" Zeus handed her the money.

"Bye guys! I had loads of fun today!" she said.

"Daddy, will Y/N babysit us again?"Percy asked hopefully. The rest nodded.

"Yeah! We really loved her! She was amazhang!"Leo said and Frank glared at him because he felt offended at the pun.

"Yeah! She can babysit you next time too" Hades said making the girl and the kids grin widely.

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