All the guys x reader

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A/N:Sorry guys!I've been pretty busy lately.I'll try and update as soon as possible.

You sat down on your couch,ready to watch your favorite show.Gods know how long you have been yearning for a free Friday evening.But as soon as you sat on your couch,your phone buzzed indicating that you received a text.You opened the message to see that it was from Percy.

Percy:Hey y/n!!!Whassup?Can we watch Finding Nemo in my cabin?

You:Again?!?!?!?!?! But actually I'm sorry but I'm kinda busy.

Percy:Pretty please with a cherry on top?Pwease???

You:Maybe next time Percy! :)

You put your phone down, and sighed in irritation as your first 5 minutes had already gone.Your phone buzzed again.But this time,it was from Will.

Will: Hello y/n. I was wondering since it's a Friday night,would you like play video games with me?

You: No, thank you but I'm sitting at home watching TV I want to relax.....

Will:Oh.Okay then.See you later!

You sighed in relaxation when suddenly your phone went off..again. You sighed in annoyance and checked to see who text you now.

Nico:Hey y/n,if you are free,would you like to watch a horror movie with me?

You:Sorry Neeks!I would love to but I so badly want to watch my favorite T.V. show that I haven't seen in months.......

Nico:Oh.I understand.Have fun then....

You put your phone in your pocket and went to grab a can of soft drink.Until your phone buzzed.....again

Travis:Hey y/n!!!!!!We were wondering if you wanted to prank people with us....


Travis:Connor and I...

You:Sorry Travis but I wanna relax and watch T.V. Bai bai!


'What's up with so many people texting me today?'you thought as you took a sip of your drink.And then.....your phone vibrated once again.You were about to spit out your drink in frustration.

Frank:Hello!Are you busy?

You:Ummm yeah....

Frank:Oh!Sorry for the inconvenience....


You sighed and took another sip of your drink.Well at least that was easy!But guess what?Your phone vibrated once again!!!!!!!

Jason:Hey y/n!I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me right now......

You:Hey Jase!Sorry,but I am busy right now.Maybe tomorrow,k?

Jason:Sure!Bye bye

You:Bai! :D

You squeezed the drink in your hand in frustration when you felt your phone vibrate again!Thank goodness,none of it fell on your clothes!

Leo:Hey sunshine!Do you wanna build a robot?*in Anna's voice*

You:Sorry Leo,but I'm watching y/f/s right now.(A/N:y/f/s is your fav. show)

Leo:Okay bye....*In Anna's voice*

You giggled at his silly joke.You put your phone down,praying it wouldn't buzz again.But unfortunately,your prayers were unheard.....

Octavian:Hi!Would you like to come with me to the shop to buy more teddy bears.I ran out of them and I am getting too bored!I wanna slay some more teddies!

You:Sorry Octavian!But I'm against murdering stuffed animals!And I'm busy at the moment...

Octavian:Okay fine.......Can you please suggest me to do something fun,then?

You:Watch y/f/s.It's really interesting!!!!!!!!

Octavian:Thanks!See you l8r!

You put down your phone in confusion.Octavian being polite??????You looked at your T.V screen to see another show running.Seems like your show was over long time back!!!!!!!!!!!

~A few Kilometres away~

A couple was stargazing when they suddenly heard someone scream a "WHAT?!?!?!?Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!My favorite show can't be over!!!!!!!!!"from a distance.They looked at each other with confusion written all over their face.

Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now