Everybody x Reader x (Insert Demigod Crush)

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A/N: Last part, actually....I hope you enjoyed this book! :) Anyways, this one's gonna be super long. Just a friendly warning :)



"The first award is......'The sassiest but one of the bravest demigod ever" He announced.Of course you knew who it was because you organized this whole event with help of your friends. But nobody knew who was getting which award"

"Perry Johnson" Mr D said. Chiron sighed. "He means, Percy Jackson" Chiron corrected. Percy grinned and received his award.

"It's a pleasure to receive an award from you, Wine dude!" Percy winked.

"PERRYYYYY JOHNSONNN!" Mr D screeched while everybody was busy laughing.

"Anyways! The next criterion is: THE SMARTEST DEMIGOD!" Chiron said. Everybody started chanting Annabeth's name.

"Yep!" Chiron nodded and called for Annabeth. She walked to the stage and kissed her trophy.

"The Next award is.......The professional hacker of CHB!" Apollo said. You had no idea why he was here but still you were glad.

"LEOOOOOO VALDEZZZZ!" Apollo declared and they both high-fied. You grinned at their bromance. It was all because of Valdezinator! Well,It kinda sounded like a gadget made by Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb TBH.

"The next award is The best costume on Halloween! And it goes to Justin-" Mr D started.

"Jason Grace!" Chiron interrupted.

"Whatever" Mr D said and rolled his eyes. Despite of his 'tsundere' attitude, you knew Mr D had a soft side too.

Jason collected his award and flew around. Yep, he was a 'Blond Superman' on halloween.

"And the next award is......The professional shipper of everything/everybody in real life. It's the one and only....PIPER MCLEAN!" Chiron said and you cheered along with everybody. To be honest, it was tie between you both but you were okay with her receiving the award.

"OH MY GODS! Y/N! I THOUGHT YOU'D BE RECEIVING THIS AWARD!" Piper said and hugged you. You smiled.

"#ShipSolangelo!" you both said and high-fied each other.

"Next up is.....the party animal! And it's a tie between FRANK ZHANG and DAKOTA!" Apollo said.

 Frank and Dakota blushed. Yes,they were really shy but when they were drunk, nobody could control them.

"Next up issssssssss The most innocent demigod. It's of course Hazel!" Chiron announced in a 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone and everybody grinned at the fact.

"And now! It's time for the most kawaiiest and overprotective elder brother in the world!" Apollo said. "NICO DI ANGELO!!" 

He randomly appeared out of nowhere and gave everybody a mini heart attack. But he surprised everybody even more when he smiled. You really loved his smile.

"I remember the first time we met,you asked me if you could drive my awesome car. Well you can drive now if you want because :
1)You're the legal age for driving and
2)I can't say no to my future son in law" Apollo said and Nico blushed 50 shades of red.


The ceremony continued further. Everybody won something or the other. 

Will got 'The Best Doctor Award'

Connor and Travis got the 'Mischievous twins who cheer up Everybody' award.

and Octavian got 'The Nightmare on Teddy Street' award. Well instead of an award, he got a teddy bear.

Even Drew got 'The best make up applier' award.

"Now, the Best Video Game player award goes to REYNA!" Chiron announced and everybody cheered. Yep, be ready to lose if you compete against her in God of War or Mario Kart.

You assumed that was the last one because you made no more award criterias. You looked at all your friends. Everybody was so happy! You smiled in content.

"And last but not the least.....The most bravest,prettiest,friendly,hardworking, well 'The most AWESOMEST DEMIGOD EVER AWARD GOES TO Y/N L/N" Mr D announced and grinned.

You were surprised that he actually remembered your name. What surprised you even more is that you did not plan for this part.

"What?" you asked in disbelief.

"Yep! You do so much for us Y/N. Honestly, you're the best!" your friends said while everybody was chanting your name.

You were about to cry because of joy.

"I love you guys!!" you said.

"We love you too!!!"

~~~~~~~~After some years~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hahah! I remember that day very well! It is one of the best days of my life!" you exclaimed when (Your Demigod Crush) laughed.

"But you really are the best, Y/N!" He said and you hit him playfully.He pulled you in for a kiss.

"EWWWWW!!! COOTIES!!!!" Your (son/daughter) said and ran away while covering his/her face with his/her tiny hands.

You and Your husband (Your demigod Crush) just laughed.


THE END!( Of the book too)

Well not exactly because there will be one more part full of rants! :)

Hope you liked it!

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