Leo x Reader x Travis

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A/n:This was a suggestion by one of my friends @Daughter-of-Athena27. Thank you! and three updates is a row! yay!!! my personal record broken!!*happy dance*


You were with your best friends, Leo and Travis. They were currently arguing. Which happened almost every time all three of you were together. 

But Little did you know that they were arguing about asking you out. You sighed and continued reading your book. You three were known as 'Pranking Trio' of CHB  but that was no longer something to be proud of, since the two of them were bickering all the time.

"Hey! It's getting dark. I'm going back to my cabin.I do not want to be shredded into pieces by cleaning harpies" you said and left the war zone. Yeah, WAR ZONE. They argued THAT badly.

*Leo's P.O.V*

Travis and I were arguing Y/N when suddenly she said, that she was going to leave.


"Whatever, I'm gonna ask Y/N out tomorrow." he smirked at me.

"Oh no you're not!" I said.

"Why do you even care?" he asked.

"Because I'm gonna go to her cabin and ask her right away" I said and his smirk faltered.We both chased after Y/N.

*back to your P.O.V*

You were about to open your cabin door when suddenly you heard two voices yelling out your name. You turned around to see Leo and Travis trying to catch their breath.

"What happened?" you asked them.

"Would you like to go to a movie with me tomorrow?"Leo and Travis asked you at the same time and they both glared at each other.

"Sure friends (lol friendzoned)! We three can go to some good movie. At what time do you want to meet me?"You asked and Leo said,"6:00 p.m".

"Okay. 'Night guys" You said and walked into your cabin. You heard them argue again after you shut the door and you shook your head.

*Next day*

You got ready and heard a knock on your cabin door. You opened the door to see Leo and Travis handsomely dressed.

"Ready to go?" Travis asked and you nodded.

"You look so pretty" Leo said and you blushed.

"Yeah" Travis nodded in agreement, linking arms with you.

"Thanks guys. You both look really handsome" you said and they grinned, but not before glaring at each other. You guys entered the movie hall just to see the title "Annabelle" being displayed on the screen.

"Y/N is going to sit with me, right?" Travis asked.

"No, she's gonna sit with me" Leo replied for you. They started to bicker and everyone in the movie hall turned their head towards you three. You smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay guys. I'll sit between both of you" you said to make them stop arguing. You three took your seats. 

You were completely oblivious to the fact that they decided to go to a horror movie thinking that you would get scared easily and hug one of them. 

But plot twist, every time a scary scene came, they both forgot about their manliness and gripped your arms tightly and closed their eyes tightly. You silently chuckled to yourself. Suddenly your phone started to ring.

"This is an important call.I'll be back in a few minutes"you whispered to them and walked out of the hall.When you came back, you saw Leo and Travis hugging each other tightly in terror. You grinned.

"Hopefully, they're in good terms now"


Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now