Leo Valdez x Reader

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A/N:That's right guys!I didn't die!And look!I kept my promise. I've finally updated on 4th March!!Anyways thanks you so much for your patience.AND 1254 VOTES!Am I dreaming or what!It's like a dream come true!I love you guys so dam much!Oh and I think I'm done with all the requests.If I haven't then please remind me.I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.It's kinda hard to keep track of the requests....

Le story:

It was the new year eve's party.The Romans and Greeks had decided to celebrate it together by organizing a party.And obviously,Leo being a party animal,he forced his girlfriend,Y/N, to go to the party with him.

2nd person's p.o.v:

"Come on Y/N,lets go!"Leo said excitedly.You sighed and nodded.You guys reached the Dionysus cabin(the destination).Leo and Percy decided to go and meet up with the other guys.

"Just don't give Leo any drinks.He goes completely crazy"you warned Percy and he nodded.Then Annabeth kissed her boyfriend a goodbye and you fake-gagged near a plant.Leo giggled and Annabeth glared playfully.

"Haha!As if you have never kissed your boyfriend in front of us!Do you remember what happened on the last picnic?"Annabeth reminded and you both blushed.That was the first time you both kissed in front of your friends.Lets just say that Calypso got super jealous and disappointed and she still hasn't talked to either of you.

Finally they both left and Annabeth and you started talking about Harry Potter.

"Omg yesss!!!Draco Malfoy looks so hot!But Fred was better!"Annabeth fangirled.You sighed.The feels.

"I cried for almost an hour,you know?"you said.Annabeth nodded in agreement.

"You were a wreck.How can we forget it.It took us an hour to calm you down!I guess all the hot guys die.Cedric looked hot too!"Annabeth said.

"Who?The guy who played that sparkling emo vampire too?"Reyna suddenly asked and you both jumped in surprise.

"REYNA!!!"You hugged her.By that time,Thalia,Piper,Hazel had come too.Of course,Calypso wasn't there.You guys then started talking about your OTPs and Piper was squealing the whole time.Suddenly,Percy (I just typed iPercy.I wish Apple made iPercy too) came back looking worried.

"What happened?"Annabeth asked.

"Leo happened.Dakota gave him some kool aid.Sorry"Percy looked apologetically at you.

"You idiot!Where is he now?"You asked him and he pointed towards the food court.

"Where?"you asked searching for him.

"Look up!"Percy replied and you saw Leo swinging from the chandelier.

"I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist
Like it doesn't exist"Leo sand loudly,disturbing a snogging couple beneath them.They screamed and ran away.

"Get down immediately!"You shouted.

"Ah!Y/N!My love!Darling!Do you wish to join me and sail over the seven seas with me?"Leo asked,clearly drunk.You face palmed and glared at Dakota,who was drinking his kool aid.

"Leo get down!"you commanded.He laughed at you.

"You puny demigod!I'm Zeus!You can't order me around!"Leo said and you heard a thunder.In the meanwhile,Nico was secretly recording everything."For blackmail purposes"he said.

Suddenly the whole chandelier crashed down and Jason the superman saved Leo.

"My love!I knew you would come to save me Y/N"he said and tried to snog Jason but thankfully,all of a sudden,he fell asleep in his arms.

~Next Day~

Leo woke up to see Jason,Piper,Percy,Annabeth,Nico and you sitting nearby.

"Ouch!Why does my head hurt so much?"Leo asked and Percy giggled.

"You wanna know why?Nico!Get me your phone!"You said and he obeyed.You opened Youtube and showed Leo the video.

"What the Hades was I doing!"Leo face palmed.

"It has already got 16087 votes!"Jason pointed out.

"No duh Sherlock!"Leo said then suddenly grinned evilly.

"My love!Come kiss me!"Leo playfully told Jason ran out of the cabin.Leo then kissed you.

"Thanks for uploading it on Youtube,love!I've always wanted to beat Pewdiepie!"Leo thanked you.

"Who?"Piper asked.

"You have a lot to learn,my child"Leo and you grinned evilly at her.

Lets just say after a week,Piper was jumping around screaming that Marzia and Felix are her new OTP.(I seriously ship them guys!They are perfect for each other)

Anyways guys,I'll update tomorrow.I wanted to update another one today itself but I'm dam tired.This is one of the longest chapters of mine so far.Sorry.....

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