The Legend Of Christina (Christina One Shot)

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Now before you get any ideas, this is not an adventure one shot. Sort of.

REMEMBER:These events did not actually happen in the video shoot, this is my own imagination.

The event takes place in 2014 as the girls are about to shoot You're Worth It. It's October and the girls are now 24, 22, 21, 19, 16 an 14 respectively.

Hey it's Christina Lynne and I'm 24. Well, you already know who I am if you've followed my career. So we just released Renegade EP and were about to begin another new challenge, doing our most important video ever, that would be You're Worth It. On our EP for Renegade we put I Got You as the 1st track, That Girl Should Be Me #2, we put the title track at #3, and we close with this song we're doing as #4. So we began our toughest task.

But just as we were about to start shooting the video, we noticed Dani was missing. I quickly went ahead and looked for my baby sister. I searched through lots of places in this wide open area but could find nothing. Then I noticed a sign that said, 'If you want to see Danielle again, come to me. I'll be waiting' I knew that Danielle had been taken hostage. Well, I have to find her. I noticed a shed was nearby so I raced inside and as I feared, Dani was in there. To my shock I noticed that there was something that resembled cement in which Dani was covered in, and if I didn't hurry, her body would become completely stiff, and then after a period of time, one bump into her and her body breaks, causing her to die. I knew I had to hurry. I was fortunate that she wasn't chained so this was something I could work with. I checked a timer and noticed I had 25 minutes to get her free and remove the cement-like stuff on her body.

Dani watched in horror as her body was starting to harden. I knew I had to do something! I looked for a hose and tried using that to get this off of her. As it turns out, it worked somewhat and I got her upper body free, but her legs were still looking like they would turn into cement if I wasn't fast enough. I hurried and sprayed the hose to her legs, but I ran out of water. So I had to come up with another plan and just my luck, there was another bucket of water. I dumped that all over her legs. It was a success and she was freed, the cement stuff was completely off her body. Lucky for this shed, there was a shower stall so Dani went inside. Minutes later, she dried off and was good as new, then she thanked me. I love my sister.

Now, we got that taken care of so we can start the videoshoot--except, I noticed now Amy was missing. Oh great, not again. I looked around quickly and saw a sign that said, 'Amy is tied to a tree, you won't be able to save her so easily'. Oh no, Amy was taken hostage now. I raced and saw her tied up to said tree, but it was petrified vines that constricted her. PETRIFIED VINES?! Luckily I was not under any time pressure, but if I didn't free her quickly, she would lose all feeling in her body, especially with the fact that the vines were covering her entire body below her head. Amy was panicking like crazy.

I then found a fire wand and launched it at the vines. This made surprisingly short work of the vines and suddenly Amy was freed. Amy hugged me and said thanks. I love my sister. After all that, now we can begin. Now let's do this.

Christina:Alright girls, let's get ready to do this. We need to make our fans proud.

Amy:I'm ready. Thank you again for freeing me from that tree. Those vines were so painfully tight.

Dani:Same here. If you were 3 minutes slower I was done for and become a walking cement girl.

Christina:I am leader and I will do anything to make sure you're safe.

Amy & Dani:And we thank you.

Christina:Happy to help. OK, let's practice for our video. Who is doing which part?

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