Christmas With Cimorelli, but where's Dani? (Dauren one shot)

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I haven't done this book in a while, but after some time away I have some new ideas I came up with. Here you go.

It was a fateful day.


Lauren was the first downstairs to open her presents. She was so eager, being the precocious 11-year old she is. Her big brother and 4 older sisters formed a band just 2 years ago and Lauren got a cool keyboard for Christmas among others including clothes and a new brush. As for her sisters, they all got a lot of clothes, and other small appliances and items. Lauren was wondering where Dani was as were her sisters. She went to check in the room to wake her up. To her shock, she wasn't there. Lauren then realized that either Dani actually was the one who woke up first or she is missing. She looked around frantically for her. Christina wondered where Lauren went so she looked for her. She saw Lauren outside trying to find Dani and told her to come inside because it's too cold. Lauren then said, 'But Christina, Dani is missing.' Christina added, 'We'll look later. We have things to do.' Lauren then was upset and said, 'OK :'( '

'Not fair'

Lauren's POV:I love Christina, but I have to find our missing sister. So I ignored Christina's wish and kept looking. Then a thought in my mind came and said, 'Lauren, go to the beach.' The beach? I better bundle up first. I told my family, 'Girls, I need to go for a walk. Sorry, I have to. I need the exercise.' Amy replied, 'Alright, be careful!' Lisa then said, 'If you're going for a walk, I'm going with you. You can't go for a walk at your age without supervision.' I then added, 'Alright. You can come with me then.' Lisa closed with, 'Yeah. Plus I need the exercise too. Stressful week for me.' And with that me and Lisa headed out.

Lisa's POV:I don't know why Lauren wanted to go out for a walk. Something tells me she's not being honest. Lauren then said, 'Please don't tell anyone I'm frantically looking for Dani OK?' I nodded and we went onward. Now that you mention it, I am worried about Danielle. Usually she would be the first awake and opening presents because that's how the youngest are. But something didn't feel right. I called up Christina real quick and told her, 'Christina, I'm keeping an eye on Lauren. Don't worry.' Christina said 'OK' and we went ahead.

Lauren's POV:I know I can trust Lisa. As we moved to where the beach was, it actually got warmed. Like, 85 degrees. Wait. I was told it was cold out? And then I saw a girl in a hoodie sitting by the water. I asked if she was OK and she said, 'No. I'm not loved.' I gave her a hug and told her that people love her. She asked who I was. Lisa approached us and introduced herself. 'Hi I'm Lisa and I'm 16, that's my sister Lauren and she's 11.' She said, 'Cool'. Alright so now that we introduced us to her, we awaited her introducing herself. She didn't. Then she said, 'Can I speak to Lauren alone please?' Lisa nodded, 'Fine. But she's still very young--' She added, 'I know, but only I can understand her and she can understand me.' Confused, Lisa went to the shack nearby and got a drink. Bet you $5 she's gonna flirt with the cute boy inside. LOL. So she talked to me a bit more and whispered, 'Dude, you know who I am.' I was confused. This girl went to the shack and closed the door locking her in. What is she doing!?

'Why did you lock my sister in the shack!?

She said, 'Because she can't know what's going on. Sorry Lisa, forgive me.'

Just like that, she bolted into the ocean and told me to unlock the door. Lisa was let out shortly after and said, 'I was going to order something to eat & drink, and the next I knew I was locked in. Maybe a ghost locked it. Who knows.' I then said, 'Uh Lise, look. The ocean.' Before we knew, we saw the girl again. To our bigger shock it was--


Lisa's POV:OMG! I have to tell the others. I called up our sisters and brothers and asked them to get over to the beach immediately. Lauren looked at me and nodded, 'We have to tell them.' Boy was Dani gonna be in trouble. But Dani naturally ignored us. She feels unloved, but walking this far out here at her age is too dangerous!

Lauren's POV:I'm not leaving without Dani. I came this far. To my surprise, Amy came over with Dani's presents. The rest of the family soon followed her and before we knew it, all of us were by the beach. All 10 siblings seeing Dani in the ocean. We called for Dani to come here but she would not oblige. Then we heard her call out, 'I want to speak to Lauren alone again. Please.' So I said, 'Alright, lemme handle this.' Mike yelled, 'No Lauren. Dani! You get here please. Too dangerous out there at your age!' Dani ignored everyone but me. I had to do this. I had no choice.

'She's only gonna listen to me. Trust me on this.'

Moments later, the rest of the family waited in the shack. I bet you Lisa's gonna talk to that cute boy--oh nevermind, this is serious. So I jumped in the ocean with Dani and she smiled. Then she said, 'Good. BTW those presents over there look so nice.' I said, 'Those are yours Dan.' She smiled and hugged me.

We opened her presents and she put them away in the shack. Then she went back in the water. I joined her. We had fun and now that you mention it, what looked like a tragic situation turned into the best Christmas that Dani could ask for.

After 2 hours at the beach, we all returned home. Dani was smiling through the way home. I've actually never seen her this excited. Weird. Lisa smiled and we all were wondering why this was. We're still wondering why she went here alone. Dani told us when we got home.--sort of.

Dani said, 'When I am older, I will tell you exactly what happened. Sorry, it's a personal thing.'

I nodded as did us all.



So 5 years have passed since Dani went to the beach unattended. I asked Dani if she was ready to tell us what happened. Dani while practicing her guitar was ready to go. We headed downstairs and she told us all.

Dani's POV:I probably shouldn't have done that back then, but I was having a tough time with everything. I needed to run away. I then spilled to the family.

I said the following:

'Everyone, I'm sorry for running away back then without supervision. I was having a miserable few weeks and I wanted to be away from everyone. I felt by going to the beach on my own was a good way to break from the stress I was dealing with. In hindsight, it was a bad decision on my part. But ultimately you all were worried about me so bad and I thank you for snapping me out of my funk. Lauren, you're my savior mainly. *hugs Lauren* If it weren't for you, I might not be here today. You coming to the beach with Lisa actually saved my life.'

Lauren's POV:Dani's speech moved me to tears, and I hurried in my room because I was so emotional. They all hugged Dani and she went up for me.

'I love Dani'

Dani came to me and said, 'I promise not to run away anymore. I love you Lauren. We hugged it out again.

We became closer than ever.

Dani's POV:Lauren really did save me that day Christmas of 2009. I got my guitar out again and sang for Lauren.

Sugar & Spice Forever!


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