Extra:Cimorelli In Boston (True Story)

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This is a true story guys. I wanted to close this book in a big way.

So I met Cimorelli as you know. Me and my mom left for Boston a little bit after Noon on May 23rd. We stopped at Burger King for lunch on the way up there and we got to the venue at 4 PM. We ran into the band briefly as they went inside getting ready for Soundcheck. I greeted their mom as they got in and me and my mom stopped by the Pourhouse to get something to eat. I had spicy chicken tenders with fries drenched in gravy while my mom had a sandwich. After we ate, we headed back to the venue at around 5ish, and ran into Samantha who was a Cimfam like me. She loved Lisa the most. We all headed inside the venue and chilled for an hour before the Meet & Greet began. We met the band inside and I hugged Kath, Lisa, Amy, Lauren, Christina and Dani in order. We met the rest of the family. I talked a little bit to them and got selfies with them. My mom bought the Up At Night CD and a poster & shirt while at the merch table. The girls were chatting it up with the fans and Dani was getting into the songs playing in the speaker. After the M+G ended, the concert began. The girls performed 10 of their songs from Up At Night, leaving off Braveheart, Make It Stronger, Easy To Forget Me and Headlights. They also sang Good Enough, A Lot Like Love, Problem and You're Worth It, and closed with Renegade. The girls chatted with us fans in the audience and gave us hugs, hand shakes and everything.

It was an amazing experience indeed. Me and Samantha and the rest of us said goodbye to the girls as the family headed off for their next adventure on their tour.

I loved seeing Cimorelli in concert, it was my first concert experience of my life. If I only get to see one concert, I made this one so memorable. Truly an incredible night, meeting them and the family and fans, etc.

~Michael Santi (MermaidCim)


Well that concludes Book One of the Cimorelli One Shots. Hope you liked what you saw guys. It's time to close the book...


Dani:Please don't---we have one more number

Me:Oh, you want to do one more?

Amy:Yes! PLEASE!




FINALE:Amy & Dani skit

Amy:Two truths, one lie. Ready Dani?
Dani:Of course.

-I wore a tie-dye shirt in Boston
-I brought Rubi in Boston
-I sat during Good Enough

Amy:Spot the--

Dani:Easy, Rubi. You didn't bring Rubi.

Amy:You're too good Dani. LOL.

Dani:OK you can close :)

Cimorelli sings Worth The Fight


That concludes Book One. Stay tuned for Book Two coming soon! Follow me on Twitter at mermaidcim, or IG at plattencimorelli.



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Cimorelli One Shots [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now