An Ancient Story (Damy two shot)

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This is inspired by Hollow Haze's song An Ancient Story. This is a very long story broken into 2 parts. This is also a mature chapter so if this is too much for you, skip to the next story.

Hey I'm Christina
I'm Katherine
I'm Lisa
I'm Lauren

And we're Cimorelli, minus Amy & Dani.

Christina:We're doing Same Old Love by Selena Gomez.

*Cimorelli sings*

Christina:We sucked. Where's Damy?

Christina's POV:Meanwhile, chaos ensued. Dani & Amy were missing. As it turns out, we got a notification on our phones and noticed that they were in another dimension. WAIT, ANOTHER DIMENSION? We needed to know what happened.

Author's POV:Elsewhere, Dani & Amy were separated from the band. When Dani woke up she found she was not only tied up in strong bonds, but she was also trapped in a mirror. As for Amy she woke up--down a well. Damy panicked.

Amy's POV:I furiously fought my way up the well, thankfully there was a rope there so I used my might to climb it up. I quickly got out and looked for Dani. I can't find her! So I called my sisters up and asked them to turn on the Videofinder. We just bought it the other day so it would help keep track of where we are.

Lisa's POV:We got Amy's message so we obliged and turned it on. We saw where Amy was and asked where she had been, it turns out she was back in time. We said, 'Why are you there?'

Amy's POV:I told my sisters, 'Apparently we just got separated out of nowhere and now we're back in the past, like 1016 or something. We'll find our way home.' As I said that, my sisters prayed for our safety. They looked at the Dani monitor and it was stuck on off. I told them, 'I'll find Dani.' They prayed for me and I was on my way. I went through the woods to find where Dani was and I was confused. I'll find you Danielle.

Lauren's POV:Praying for the best, fearing for the worst. Dani is missing and Amy is stuck there. Please find Dani.

Amy's POV:This was gonna be a battle. I found a sword and cut my way through the vines. I ran 5 miles and then I saw a mirror standing idly by. OK I'm pretty sure this is a clue to something. Mirrors don't randomly show up in the middle of nowhere. This is a clue. And my guess was right. I looked on


Using all my might I threw a powerful punch to the mirror, but it shocking bounced off like rubber. WAIT! How did it do that? This is no simple mirror. I then did a jump kick and still no luck. This was gonna be hard. I then tried calling Dani, but no response. Then I frantically tapped on the mirror, but heard a voice say, 'Ouch, don't hit me.' OK wait the mirror talked?! Then I stopped and paused, 'Amy it's me Dani. Apparently my spirit has been transformed. I'm not spiritually inside the mirror. I am the mirror.'

OK I'm completely lost. Then she said, 'Well my body is inside, but I am the mirror. Please don't break me.' So Danielle was transformed into a mirror? Now I am completely lost. So I tried calling my sisters again and Lauren answered this time. I told Lauren to turn on Dani's monitor. She saw what happened. Lauren said, 'OMG! Dani's stuck! We have to save her.' I told her, 'No, don't risk it. I'm gonna get Dani home.' Lauren angrily said, 'AMY! WE ARE GOING TO HELP YOU! DON'T ARGUE WITH US!' I shouted, 'NO! WHAT IF YOU GET TRAPPED ALONG WITH ME AND DANI HERE? WE'RE NOT RISKING IT! LET ME HANDLE THIS!' Lauren then said, 'Okay m8.'

Lauren's POV:Amy's confident. She's also reckless. I hope she knows what she's doing. As my older sisters headed back downstairs I told them, 'Amy is gonna get Dani back.' They nodded and I then said, 'Amy warned us not to go to where she is because we can't risk being trapped as well.' I admire Amy's bravery but I really think she is going overboard here.

Amy's POV:As I tried to figure out why Dani is now a mirror, I wanted to to really turn her back to normal. So I had to come up with a plan, and then all of a sudden a mysterious figure appeared. He said, 'Amy, you must not let Dani die. She is cursed in this form until someone can heal her. If the mirror breaks, she perishes.' OMG! He then added, 'Protect Dani at all costs. I'm counting on you.'

Now it fell on my shoulders and he then closed with, 'You have to protect her at all costs, you and only you. Don't bring your sisters to help. This is a battle you must fight on your own.' Okay now this is getting insane. Only I can protect her, but nobody can help me? Okay great. And then I learned of an ancient prophecy. He told me the following.

'Long ago an ancient warrior by the name of Amy Elizabeth--' I stopped and said, 'WAIT! ME?!' He said, 'Listen please.' Then he continued, '--she was the most feared woman in all the land, slaying her foes with her powerful sword skills. As she battled, she fought a vicious demon by the name of Dark Soul. They fought for a long time, but in the end she slayed the mighty Dark Soul and saved the world from destruction. Unfortunately he has since returned and must be slain once and for all. He returns once every 1000 years, but now he has come back. You Amy must stop him again.' Now I'm really confused. I'm just a 20-year old singer. How am I an ancient warrior? So what this means is--and then suddenly Dani spoke, 'Listen to him Amy.' OK now I'm so confused. Now my sister who turned into this mirror is agreeing with him. Suddenly out of nowhere a younger version of Dani appeared [from the Mirrors cover we did] and said the following. *oh the irony*

Dani:To free me from the mirror, you must defeat Dark Soul again. Only his defeat will free me. If you can't defeat him, then I die. You're my only hope, you're our only hope. We were both transported here because of a powerful disturbance that if we don't stop Dark Soul, he will return again in a thousand years and destroy the world, killing every single living thing on earth. Can you do it?

Amy:I'll try.

And now it's on me to save the day. Oh joy. I quickly called Christina and said, 'Dani talked to me, I have to get her home myself. It's all up to me.' Christina said, 'Be careful Ames.' I knew this was gonna be a tall task. But if I can overcome dealing with Turner Syndrome, I can handle anything. I wanted more answers from this younger version of Dani and she said, 'Before you ask, I've done research. Trust me. Now let's free me from the mirror.' I nodded and let's go get ready to battle.


Younger Dani's POV:I believe in Amy. I know she will save the day. She is worth it <3

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