The True Renegade (? One Shot 2)

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Like with the last story, I'm not telling you right away who the one shot is. Figure out who it is while you read this story. Here's a hint, the one shot is NOT Lisa.

So explain how weather works? It was thundering, but also snowing at the same time. Tell me how that is possible? Doesn't thunder get generated by rain?

Katherine was sitting by the front door waiting for a package to come. She had bought a guitar for Lauren on Amazon. Lauren admits she's the least skilled at guitar but wanted to learn so badly. Minutes later, the guitar arrived and Katherine signed the form then paid the money. Then Katherine called for Lauren. Instead she got Lisa. Lisa said, 'OMG it's the guitar you ordered me???' Katherine said, 'No goofball. This is for Lauren.' Lisa frowned and went back upstairs and then Katherine said, 'I'll buy you one tomorrow.' Lisa smiled. Then Lisa said, 'Yo blurryface, mommy needs you.' Lauren raced out of her bedroom and down the stairs she went.

Lauren saw the guitar that Katherine had ordered for her and she was happy. Lauren was eager to learn as she saw it came with an instruction manual. Katherine said, 'This cost me just $250. Enjoy.' But then she added, 'Don't break it.' Lauren said, 'I won't' with a glee.


NOTE:If you're curious, the header for this chapter is Dani shooting for the single cover for I'm A Mess, as we would eventually find out. Oh and the one shot?


This is a Lauren one shot (sorry for lack of updates)

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This is a Lauren one shot (sorry for lack of updates)

Lauren played her new guitar with happiness, and then she started practicing all of the band's songs on there. She would spend a good 5 hours practicing. After practice, she would go to sleep, feeling happy. But, something wasn't completely sitting right with her.

For you see, Lisa has been envious of Lauren lately. That next morning, Lisa feeling left out wanted to talk to her and Lauren said, 'Hey I'm not feeling well this morning, can we talk later?' Lisa nodded in disappointment.

Katherine came into Lauren's room to wake her but Lauren said, 'Kath I love you, but I need rest. Something I ate last night didn't go well with my stomach.' Kath frowned but being the motherly type she is, she understood that Lauren's health was important.

*NOTE:Dani & Amy do not appear in this story until the end. Christina does not appear in this story*

Lauren was sleeping when Lisa sneaked into her room and grabbed her guitar from her room and brought it into hers, or at least she was until Katherine stopped her. Kath yelled, 'That is Lauren's, put it back. I told you I'll buy you one later.' Disappointed, Lisa put it back but Katherine being the sneaky one said, 'How you feeling Lauren?' Lauren didn't budge. Uh oh. Lisa then being the wild one jumped on her, but again Lauren didn't budge.

'Wait, is Lauren dead?' Lisa was worried. Katherine said, 'No, I doubt it.' But Lisa added, 'Katherine, anyone should be able to wake up immediately after my jump, and yet she didn't move. What's going on with Lauren?' Kath & Lisa left the room to go downstairs.

Lauren was coy. She woke up and started dancing. Sounds like a weird one. But the next thing she knew, Amy knocked on her door and Lauren was freaked out, while Dani climbed to the outside window after she returned from vacation and caught Lauren dancing. Dani sprinted down to tell the others inside and Lauren knew she was in trouble.

Lauren called Dani and said, 'Wait, come here alone.' Dani then went into her room and saw Lauren in bed. Before Dani could say anything, Lauren said, 'I did that because I don't wanna be bothered right now. I just need some time to myself, while recovering from sickness.' Dani didn't buy it and went to get Katherine, Lisa & Amy. Lauren then decided the last thing she had on her mind.

She left home. On her own. Never to be heard from again. With her new guitar and all her belongings, she set off on a new journey.

Cimorelli One Shots [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now