Social Nightmare (? One Shot 5)

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Notice a theme lately? So I've posted a chapter in my Finding Myself II Amy book about Amy changing her social media info, and im doing a book called Cimorelli Ambushed:Social Media Stolen. This might be a taste of that on what you're about to read in this one shot. Who is the victim? Amy or Dani? LOL


Hackers have been running rampant and nobody is immune, not even Cimorelli. It started one day like no other when Amy wasn't feeling well. She felt a little off after only getting 1 hour of sleep. She checked her Twitter and saw a link that said, 'Free pizza for life' Amy doesn't usually click stuff like this but she accidentally misclicked and soon learned that she clicked on a virus link. Suddenly her Twitter was hacked.

The one shot is

The one shot is

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Which means Dani is the final ? one shot.


Suddenly Amy was panicking which was bad news considering she had one hour of sleep. As if it weren't bad enough, the hacker was already hard at work by changing the email/pw on Amy, planning to transform the account into something new. Amy scrambled to find the identity of the hacker, but she better act quick because the hacker is already at work on all of her information, also plans to control her. A mysterious figure appeared and used a mind control spell on Amy saying, 'If you want your Twitter back, you must do whatever I say.' He continued, 'That means you will serve me.' Feeling forced, Amy nodded and his mind control was already in full form.


Amy's POV:Yeah like I had any choice narrator...not goals. So he made me watch as he turned my Twitter into a new page. Within minutes, I didn't recognize any of it. My account was gone and replaced with HackerKing and everything related to him. WHICH MEANS ALL MY FOLLOWERS ARE NOW FOLLOWING HIM AND HE COULD TURN THEM AGAINST ME! But I had no choice, I was under his control. I said breaking out of the trance momentarily, 'Now everything is lost.' The hacker added, 'I guess I did my job. Haha, later squirt.' He promised he would give it back and now it's gone for good. Feeling enraged, I had to do something. I called Dani and asked if she could share her account with me for a while. Hesitantly, she said yes. Dani tweeted

'Hey rats, well my sister's Twitter was vanished :'( whoever made it disappear is a sick and rotten human being. I bet you a hacker did it. The same hacker who hacked my Instagram. Whoever this hacker is will pay dearly.' ~Dani

I would tweet

'Hey kids, it's your girl Ames. If you followed me on AmyCim, pls pray for me. The hacker is in full force.' ~Amy

They would tweet me praying for me. Thank goodness that they still are here for me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lisa attempting to hack HackerKing. Is Lisa mental?! HACKING A HACKER?



Feeling very angry, I wanted to beat someone up. Lisa called me over and said, 'Amy, it's back.' Like I was gonna--OMG! It's back! AMYCIM! How in the world did Lisa do it?! She said, 'Easy, HackerKing always keeps his passwords open to all. I just had to hit an access code and boom, your account is back.' I was suddenly so giddy, but something still felt off. It says I tweeted a virus link, not good. Well, at least it has my name on there but--it still could be bad. So Lisa quickly gave me the info and I took care of it, minutes later it was resolved. Lisa went downstairs and headed out to a meeting. Meanwhile, I'm just happy my Twitter is back. I tweeted,


Unfortunately the trance came back. The hacker implanted something in me and now I can't get it out...


Dani's POV:...which worried me. Amy had a funny sensation and went over to Lisa's computer. It appears something is wrong with Amy. Some weird power is making her go berserk, changing Lisa Cimorelli display on Twitter to Amy Cimorelli and putting a pic of herself on it. I have to snap Amy out of this trance, before Lisa notices what happened. Amy just won't bust out of the trance so easily no matter what I do. Moments later, Amy had transformed Lisa's account into her own backup. Lisa will be livid. To make matters worse, the hacker returned and Amy was ready to give him all our information. WE CAN'T LET AMY DO THIS! If he gets all our info, we are doomed. He'll merge our accounts into one massive page where we will be shut off from Twitter for good. I had to stop Amy.


Amy's POV:I can't feel my own body. I'm under a powerful spell. So I wrote down all of our info and was ready to tell the hacker. If this is the only way to get rid of this trance, so be it.


Dani's POV:I had no choice, I had to attack Amy. So I approached her and tried to snap her out of it. Suddenly, Amy's voice became more evil. I was terrified that my sister was being transformed into an evil monster. She growled, 'Leave me be. I am giving the hacker our information whether you like it or not.' I felt very strong dark energy from Amy. So I frantically tweeted,


I had to save Amy. Or kill her.


*hours later*

The hacker vanished mysteriously without getting any of the info, leaving Amy pissed while still being evil. I had one hope.

I had to kill Amy :'(

So I found a gun laying nearby and shot her, she collapsed.

I WAS FORCED TO KILL MY OWN SISTER! :'( THE EVIL POWER WAS TOO MUCH! Amy faintly said, '' and she collapsed. I wanted to cry a bunch. LIFE IS NOT FAIR!

But suddenly Amy woke up and said...'What happened?' I said, 'A hacker controlled you.'

Amy's POV:I snapped. 'A HACKER?! A HACKER HACKED MY BODY?!' I frantically went to my Twitter and uploaded a video immediately.

'Hey I'm so freaking sorry. I know you hate me right now, but please pray for me. I am having a terrible week. I wanted to kill myself because of all the nightmares I've dealt with. I died, but was brought back, but I should still be dead. Am I really good enough? Please pray for me. I'm incredibly sorry everyone. ILYSM :'( ' ~Ames

*The next day*

That social nightmare was over and I tweeted the next morning, 'We're going to the studio. Gonna record a new song for you all and then release it tonight. We're gonna do something we've never done before, and it's that.'

That song would be Braveheart.

'It's a song that means a ton to me. It's my pride and joy.' I needed this song. I really wanted to show myself. I feel I succeeded.

So that night we performed Braveheart in our house and it was beautiful. Our family loved it.

I am so blessed to be here. Dani saved me last night by killing me.

I don't even know how to explain it. But I'm still here.

Dani tweeted, 'Amy's my hero. She's actually a main reason why I'm fighting harder than ever before.' I made Dani my #1 inspiration.


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