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The Local Newscast on the morning of October 18th:

A woman went for a jog last night in Central Park, a jog that ended with her life being taken away. Twenty-nine year old Abigail Jones was found brutally beaten with some of her clothes ripped off and was pronounced dead before making it to the hospital. Here is what Detective Dinah Jane Hansen of NYPD had to say about it in the official statement:

"Today a young woman was found dead, she wasn't doing anything atypical, just going on her daily jog; an ordinary person doing an ordinary thing: brutally attacked. At this time we will like to give our condolences to the family and friends; NYPD promises to return with justice for Abigail. We are unsure of whether this is a random attack or not; what we are sure of is that it is likely that she was targeted for a reason, a possible connection to the attacker. We do have one suspect in custody, but at this time we will not comment on anything further about the investigation at hand and wish for everyone's respect in that as we ask for cooperation. Thank you and again our deepest of condolences; Abigail will be missed and her death will not be unwarranted."

Well it seems NYPD is timid to talk about the suspect but we're sure not! Newscaster laughs along with his co-host, fake smiles glued on both their faces but they turn serious as they continue. The suspect in custody is a twenty-five year old girl by the name of Lauren Jauregui, she was brought in for questioning early this morning as her fingerprints were found at the scene. She has had several minor offenses; none of which as brutal as this but friends of the girl say she's an 'outcast', whose presence often 'frightens' other classmates at her college. It looks like the NYPD has found the Central Park Monster after-

Dinah angrily turned off the TV, "How the fuck did they get all that information? They shouldn't even fucking know her name!" She practically yelled to her other detectives as they looked at her innocently, knowing she was going to get blamed by the captain for the press knowing details about Lauren.

Dinah proceeded to coldly interrogate her coworkers until Captain Stone walked in, looking displeased, "Dinah, my office now."

Dinah gulped as she made her way to his office, shutting the door behind her. "I want to let you know that I don't care about what the press knows, I assigned you this case for a reason. You are the best detective I have, don't let the press distract you. This case is important, I want you to put all your effort into getting justice for this woman."

Dinah nodded her head, determined but still nervous as she had never had a case that had this amount of press coverage. She had never had a case that was so heavily publicized; it shocked her but at the same time she couldn't help but feel a little bit angry. Where were all these concerned citizens when that kid was kidnapped and brutally beaten in the last case she handled? Not saying one victim's tragedy is more or less than another's, she just hates how the press picks and chooses the cases they want to heavily blow up. Her thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the Captain's door. "Hey, Captain Stone, Dinah, just wanted to say I'm ready for the interrogation whenever you are," Ally, the District Attorney, said.

"Alright, Dinah go with her, I'm not going to watch it. Do you want me to assign Camila as your temporary partner?"

"It's up to you Captain, I can do this case solo but Camila is always a great help," she replied honestly. Her partner had been switched to another department and she was temporarily without one. She probably would have said no if Captain Stone hadn't offered Camila, the department's Forensic Psychologist. Dinah actually liked working with her, even if sometimes she made it difficult by not giving her straight answers, speaking too scientifically for her, or sometimes even analyzing Dinah's own mind; come to think of it, she doesn't actually know how she tolerates her the most.

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