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The trial has officially begun against Logan Jauregui and we at Fox got you covered on all the details, stayed tuned for the next hour on our central park exclusive!

Camila immediately went to grab the remote but she was stopped but Sofi's hand on hers. "Mila," She said softly while giving her a curious look, "Aren't you just a bit curious to catch up on it?"

"No," Camila quickly answered while changing the channel, deliberately putting it on a movie one because she knew that she couldn't escape the story on any news channels, even the ones that weren't obnoxiously running hour long specials on it.

"It's been two weeks!" Sofi exclaimed, "You quit your job and suddenly you wanna act like you live in a sad little secluded hole from the world."

"And?" Camila replied monotonously. Sofi was obviously addressing the fact that Camila had essentially been sulking in her own despair for the last two weeks. It wasn't even just the fallout with Lauren, and the fact that she hadn't heard from her since, that had her feeling this way, it was the case in general; it essentially took all the life left in her, all the energy, and now she was nothing but a shell. The fact that she was jobless and could spend her whole day watching crime tv didn't help either, because it just meant she was home more, she has created her hole, separating herself from the outside world that did this to her.

Sofi shook her head at her sister's answer, mostly in disappointment. She knew Camila was aware of the point she was trying to make but Camila had in been in a stubborn, attitude filled mood for weeks. It made it a drag to even hang out with her at this point

Sofi got up and walked to the tv to manually change the channel.

"Hey!" Camila whined, "I was watching that."

"No you weren't," Sofi replied while rolling her eyes, before turning back to face her. "I'm going downstairs, and I'm taking this," she said while swiftly grabbing the remote from her sister's hand. She quickly ran out of the room, leaving Camila calling after her.

"Sofi! What the hell?!" Camila yelled as the door loudly shut, she let out a sigh of frustration as she looked up to see that Sofi very intentionally left it on the news.

Camila gulped as she watched the screen, they weren't talking about the case, yet. It was just the weather, but she knew it was only a matter of time before they start talking about the case. She also knew that she feels way too lazy to even get up from her couch right now.

She sighed, her refusal to watch the news trumped her laziness and she began to slowly get up and walk to the TV to manually change it. Just as she bent down to look for the correct buttons, though, she heard the beginning of the segment on Logan.

Breaking News! Prosecution is letting Logan Jauregui off the hook in a guilty plea agreement where he will most likely be sent to a psychiatric facility rather than prison.

Camila's eyes widened immediately in shock, she stood up straight with her eyes now glued to the TV. She couldn't believe it at all, she was sure that they were going to try Logan when she left. How much more could have changed since she left to give them a change of heart?

She assumed not much but clearly that was far from the reality, this only made her question what exactly caused it.

Her question was answered as the blonde female newscaster began to speak, it was a round table segment and she was the only woman in between three other men who all had displeased looks on their face.

I think this is a right decision for the prosecution, especially with all of the evidence about the case that's been leaked lately about how NYPD mishandled the case. They didn't even give the guy a proper psych evaluation!

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