Twenty Eight

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"Logan," Dinah said trying to get the guy across from her's attention. He had his head in his hands, shaking his head while his mouth was continuing to move but nothing was coming out. "Logan," Dinah repeated slowly, this time reaching her hands out to grab onto his hands.

The second Dinah's hands touched his, Logan's body lunged back instantly in fear as he yelled, "Don't touch me!"

Dinah gulped while she stared into Logan's wide, bloodshot eyes, "I'm not going to hurt you."

Logan, in response, went back to looking down and shaking his head repeatedly. Dinah knew he didn't believe her, probably because those were words he heard before and only would make him more disillusioned. "Hey," Dinah said as she put her down to meet his green eyes again, "It's me, remember, the detective, Dinah." Logan stopped moving for a second, staring back at her but Dinah could see it was blank, he wasn't actually looking at her, he wasn't recognizing her. "I talked to you about your sister, remember? Lauren."

A few moments passed before Logan gulped and started to slowly nod his head, "Lauren," he murmured before his eyes began to water again. "Lauren hates me, she hates me more than before," he said before bursting into tears, beginning to sob in his hands.

"No," Dinah started to say in comfort but was interrupted by knocks on the door, she sighed in defeat knowing that it was the captain stopping her from talking to Logan anymore. She got up, leaving Logan to continue sobbing into his hands as she walked out of her door, now seeing the entire squad in front of her, the entire squad plus Normani which was probably the reason she had to stop questioning Logan.

"You guys missed a twin sibling?" Eric first said to Dinah, a baffled look on his face, "How is that even possible?"

Dinah rolled her eyes at Eric and looked at the Captain in confusion, "Why did you stop me in there? I told you I talked to him before, I can get him to talk now."

"I need to speak to him to," Camila added, "I don't think Dinah can get him to talk alone and I'm the psychologist afterall." She was growing increasingly impatient in the lack of answers to the overflow of question she had lined up for this person, and the impatience didn't mix well with the sour taste in Camila's mouth left from the fact that she could have already had all these answers had Lauren just told her all about this herself.

"Neither of you will be speaking to him until he has an attorney present," Normani butted in, matter of factly.

"Why exactly are you here again? Are you representing him?" Ally asked Normani in annoyance.

"Enough," the Captain said dismissively to Ally, giving a warning look to everyone else as well. His forehead was creasing in distress as he took in all the new information, unsure of how to move forward, he decided to start with Normani's presence here, "Well since you are here and you're Lauren's defense attorney, can we talk to Lauren first?"

"I don't know about that," Normani replied defensively, "I would like to speak to Lauren first."

"Sure, we just need to figure this out, Ms. Kordei. I think it's better to just get the story first from your client since Logan's representative is still not here," the Captain reasoned.

"Alright," Normani said as she walked over to the other interrogation room that Lauren was being held. It was smaller than the other one that Logan was in as it wasn't the main room used, but it was even more cramped inside due to it having no windows besides the big double sided glass mirror. The squad patiently watched Normani walk in and sit beside Lauren, their mouths moving but no one having any idea what they were talking about.

Well, no one but Camila who didn't even have to attempt to read lips like the rest of her peers to know almost exactly what they were talking about. Normani's expression showed urgency and manipulation, she was getting ready to have Lauren lie, to maybe come up with a story that was far from the truth. While Normani's lips continued to move, Lauren was staying silent but Camila could see that there was something boiling within her. Lauren was angry. It was written in everything, from her facial expression to the way she was sitting, Camila doesn't think she's ever seen Lauren this angry before, and it is beginning to scare her. As expected, Lauren started to slowly shake her head, probably in defiance of Normani's plan, and then she finally spoke.

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