Flashback 3

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"Logan," Abigail softly said as his mouth began to trail her neck, both of them sat in his car that was parked right outside the side entrance of Central Park.

"Hm?" Logan murmured with his mouth still traveling along her body, not even taking notice that Abigail was trying to stop until she grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed him back. Logan was admittedly confused as he finally looked at her, "What's wrong?"

There was silence as Abigail's watery eyes failed to meet Logan's green ones. Logan immediately noticed the shift in mood and sat upright in his seat about to repeat his question to Abigail when she opened her car door and began to run out.

"Abby!" Logan called out as he ran after her, following her as she went into the park entrance, "Slow down!" Logan yelled as he grabbed onto Abigail's arm, he then pulled on it to turn her fully around and he was face to face with a distraught, puffy eyed Abigail. Logan quickly pulled her in for a hug, holding her tightly against his chest where he can feel her tears starting to dampen his sweatshirt as the two of them stood there for a few moments. Logan noticed they were in the middle of the walkway and some people were trying to get by so he broke the hug and led Abigail off the pavement and into the grass, both of them now standing under a tree when he finally asked, "What's going on?"

"You know I spoke to my father today, he knows I'm here with you-"

"I don't care about that," Logan cut off, his face scrunching up in disgust at the mention of her father.

"Wait, listen, I spoke to Lauren too-" Abigail begins only to get cut off again by Logan.

"I don't care about her either, stop letting other people come between us Abby," Logan replied dismissively.

Abigail let out a breath of frustration, he always had a habit of doing this, asking her a question and then interrupting her. He never seemed to even care to let her finish her full thought, sometimes Abigail felt like he just thought he knew everything she had to say before saying it. Although this quality would usually turn her off in other people, there was just always something about Logan that she was infatuated with. She knew that maybe they clashed and everyone was right, maybe they don't even work at all, but that didn't make her want to let go, it only made her want for them to work more. That's why she knew she just had to get her words out, she had to do this as quickly as possible, and in a way that would make him actually listen to her and leave, "I'm done, Logan."

"What?" Logan asked in confusion, "What do you mean you're done?"

"I'm done, I don't want this anymore," Abigail lied, keeping her face neutral eventhough she could see the sadness in Logan's eyes, she couldn't cave. She knew now that this was for the best. "We were never right for eachother, we're different, we live such different lives and I just don't think all of this is worth it anymore."

"How could you say that?" Logan asked with tears brimming his eyes, part of him still wanted to think she was lying but the seriousness in her tone told him that she wasn't. Logan began to think of what she said, of her being done with him and a memory instantly came to his head, he remembers how he was told his life that a relationship like this with him would be this way. He shook his head again this time to shake off the memory, he needed to focus. Focus on this conversation, be present, Logan reminded himself, he was talking to Abby, and just Abby, no one else. Abby loves me, he assures himself; this was a way for him to easily rid those troubling thoughts that were dangerously trying to resurface from Abby's words, because he knew that she loved him and that this was different.

"Just make it easy on both of us Logan-"

"No, stop it, I love you, I won't let you that easy," Logan passionately proclaimed with tears now fastly pouring down his face. He took a step closer to her as she shook her head back and forth, refusing to make eye contact with him as both of his hands now grabbed onto either side of her arms.


"I love you so much-"


"Let me show you," Logan softly said as he leaned his head in so their foreheads were almost touching, a hopeful smile on his face, "Just give us a chance and I promise to show you with every day that passes, how much I love you."

Abby looked into Logan's now puffy eyes for a few moments, and she knew she wasn't getting anywhere with this conversation. She needed to be more harsher, there was no easy way out of this, "I don't love you anymore."

And just like that Logan froze, he slowly began to shake his head as he studied Abigail's face, there was nothing in it at all. He looked in her eyes in hopes to see that she was lying, maybe he could still see the love in them, that's what he thought but all he saw was in fact the absence of it, the absence of everything. He was looking at someone who was looking at him as if he was a total stranger, then it hit him. Her coldness triggered shivers down his spine as the emptiness and familiar feeling of begging for love to someone so cold began to flood his brain. He tried to rid himself of everything that was coming back, "No," he bagan, Abby thought this was to her but it was actually to himself.

"I don't think I ever loved you to begin with," Abby said, something in her knew she was pushing it but she knew she had to get him to leave her alone. She had to make sure he would leave tonight without ever wanting to talk to her again, for his own safety."I mean, c'mon Logan, did you really think I actually wanted to be with you?"

Logan's eyes shut closed, his tears still pouring out from the lids, as he began to now shake his head more fervently, "No," he uttered.

In reality, Abby's next words were, "I could never love you, like I said, we're too different."

But none of that is what Logan heard as everything for him was beginning to get disoriented.

"I will never love you."

That is what he heard, that was all he heard, as heart began to speed, everything in his body beginning to tremble. Nothing Abby said was heard, Abby wasn't even there as a familiar voice was repeating the phrase over and over in his head, "No, no, please, no," he began to plead, his eyes still shut tightly with his hands covering them. He wanted to escape, he needed to escape this, and then suddenly he felt two hands grab onto his arm. Impulsively both of his hands that were covering his eyes, strongly grabbed onto the arms that were touching him, his eyes finally open now and they were angry, full of hatred as he spat, "Fuck you," and pushed Abby back as hard as he can. He didn't have time to watch her fall, he didn't even see how her head full back onto that rock, he didn't even hear her loud screams through it all as she bled out.

He needed to escape, so he ran, he ran to the one person he always could run too.

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