Twenty Four

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You weren't at trial again today.

Don't worry, I'll fill you in, because I'd like to think you'd still wanna know what happened. Well, Normani seemed to have fun today.

"All these character witnesses," Normani whispered to Lauren as Ally was finishing up questioning Jasmine Nunez, a girl that Lauren had talked to a total of two times in her whole life.

I knew it was going to be a long day when she started to talk about how scary I was and made up some crazy ass stories about me talking about murder with her. That shit never happened, the most I've ever talked to her about was homework. I don't understand people, Camz, this is why I can't stand to deal with most of them. I never did anything to that fucking girl, I don't even know her, and she sat there and lied to put me in jail, why? I just, I don't get it.

"I just have a question for you, Ms. Nunez, " Normani said as she took a couple of steps toward the stand that the tanned skin girl was sitting in, "Can you tell me what Lauren's favorite color is?"

"Objection, your honor," Ally said while giving the judge a look of confusion, "Relevance?"

"It goes to the witnesses credibility as a friend of the defendant," Normani justified.

The judge looked back and forth at the two lawyer momentarily before slightly nodding his head, "I'll allow it."

"Uh," Jasmine said, looking at Normani strangely, "I don't know."

"Okay, that's fair I guess, I mean usually I know my friend's favorite color it's a basic question, but maybe that just didn't come up or something," Normani lightheartedly said with a shrug, Jasmine nodded in agreement with her then Normani turned serious again, "I'll ask a different one, that maybe you'll know. What's her middle initial?"

"Uh, I don't know that either."

"Oh okay, understandable too, not everyone knows their friend's middle initial, I'll try another one. What's her major?"

"I don't know," Jasmine replied, now getting annoyed, "We never talked about that."

"Interesting, because I mean, as someone that's obviously been in college I can tell you that majors are usually one of the first things you learn your classmates," Normani replied with a smirk on her face as she walked up to stand right infront of the girl. "Here's an easy one. How about where she lives?"

Jasmine started to become nervous, the girl knew she had to answer this question without an 'I don't know', "Brooklyn?" she tried unsurely.

"Wrong answer, Ms. Nunez," Normani replied in what was almost a yell before sarcastically asking, "Would you like to phone a friend? And by that I mean would you like to call a friend of Lauren's who actually knows her?"

"Objection!" Ally shouted, angrily shooting up from her seat, "She's badgering the witness!"

"Sustained. Move on, Ms. Kordei," the judge sternly said to Normani.

Normani wished she could roll her eyes, she showed little care for what the judge said and pushed on to drive her point, "So you didn't talk about any other normal subject besides murder with my client?"

"Yes. Well, I mean it was all she talked about."

Normani sighed as she made eye contact with some of the jurors, she shook her head with a knowing smile on her face before she tauntingly asked, "You do know perjury is a crime, right?"

Normani heard the sound of a chair skidding against the floor, immediately knowing it was Ally standing up to make another objection so she put her finger up to stop her and quickly said, "Withdrawn." Normani smirked confidently, the girl's nervousness at the last question not going unnoticed by anyone, "No more further questions."

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