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"As everyone knows, yesterday was a huge loss for us with the case and I expect that to only make us work harder," Captain Stone determinedly said to the office of people that were gathered around, "There's still so much to do before this case officially goes to trial and it's our job to make sure we do everything right. Now get to work!"

As the group of people dispersed, the captain made a motion with his hand at Dinah to his office which caused her to get up and follow him in there. "Yes, Captain?" Dinah nervously asked after shutting the door.

"We need more evidence and we need it fast," Stone said with a warning look.

"I'm getting right on it, sir," Dinah replied with a reassuring nod eventhough this case was beginning to leave her mentally exhausted. It took forever for her to find their biggest piece of evidence with the letter and even that was pure luck in itself; so, who was she kidding? There was no way she was going to find new evidence, in such a short amount of time, that could be just as useful to Ally as the old confession was.

"Good, we really can't afford to lose this. I have the fucking Chief and even, mayor, up my ass about this case," the captain said, grimacing at the name of the people that had been annoying him non stop, reminding him of his high position that they could easily take away from him and replace his job for someone else.

"Trust me, sir, I know. I'm going to do everything I can to ensure that we win," Dinah strongly replied, although in the back of her mind there were many questions that she had. Questions that she wouldn't dare voice just yet.

"Alright, good, get to it," Captain said as he went to sit down in his chair, he was about to let Dinah leave before he added, "Oh, and where the fuck is Cabello?"


"That is so gross," Camila commented to her sister with a scrunched up nose.

Sofi simply shrugged her shoulders, "I'm hungry," the fifteen year old simply stated as she continued to eat the coleslaw that the diner had given them with a fork. Camila shook her head disapprovingly before looking down at her phone that was buzzing, she sighed, looking at Dinah's name momentarily before she decided to just hit the decline. "Avoiding responsibilities?" Sofi accusingly said as she began to shake her head in faux disapproval, "Tsk, tsk, Mila. You're suppose to be the good one! It makes my job as the disappointment in the family easier."

"Oh shut up, Sof, you're not a disappointment. Besides, be thankful that I ditched work today because now we have sisterly bonding time!" Camila said excitedly causing Sofi to groan in annoyance.

"Gross. I'm just here for the food, okay?" Sofi playfully replied.

Camila pouted at the harsh banter which only caused Sofi to shake her head with a slight chuckle. "No really, we never get to talk anymore since they put me on this case. Tell me how everything's going, how's school? How's Jason?"

"He's in school right now actually," Sofi said as she put the small, now empty, bowl of coleslaw back on the table.

"Why? I thought everyone at your school had a half day today?" Camila asked, slightly shaking her head in disapproval at Sofi beginning to now  pick at her own coleslaw. Did this kid's school feed her?

"He had to stay for some extra classes because he's behind on the credits he needs to graduate," Sofi explained which caused Camila to raise her eyebrow.

"Well that better not be you in senior year, because i'm telling you now to let me know if you have trouble in any of your schoolwork," Camila said in a stern voice which only made Sofi roll her eyes. Camila would feel personally offended if Sofi was having trouble in school and hadn't told her anything about it; Sofi wasn't the best student but Camila tried her best to ensure that her sister at least gets her diploma and on time with the rest of the grade, so that way no one in their overachieving family could belittle her achievement.

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