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(Male News Reporter) Well it appears the trial of Lauren Jauregui is set to finally continue today as she has finally gotten herself new council, none other than the infamous defense attorney Normani Kordei Hamilton. How this case came onto such a big attorney like Normani's desk is unknown but I'll tell you what I do know, Jill.

(Jill, the female anchor looks over with her million dollar smile) And what do you know, Hank?

It seems like the case against her is only getting bigger. Recently, her dna was found on the victims, uh- well- feminine areas-

Breasts, Hank, yes.

Yes well it's safe to say that with that evidence, no lawyer will be able to get this girl out of this one. Lauren Jauregui's case is going down faster than the big mac I just ate.

(Awkward laughing amongst both parties)

Tmi, Hank, tmi.

Captain Stone angrily shuts off the tv, his whole squad watched as he calmly takes a seat and rests his head in hands. Everyone is silent as they wait for him to speak, finally through his hands in a surprisingly cool tone, "Well, it would seem that the press already knows about the dna evidence."

Everyone remains silent, knowing too well that his calmness was just temporary; his white skin was quickly turning red, his hands moved to rubbing his bald head, probably wishing he had some hair so maybe he can pull some out to relieve his clear stress. "Well," his voice getting louder as he finally looks up, "Does anyone have anything to say for this?"

Silence, continued silence throughout the whole room which just frustrated him more so he got up. Finally ready to explode he abruptly kicked his chair, "God Dammit," he muttered before beginning to yell, "DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY THE FUCK THE PRESS KNOWS ABOUT THE LATEST OF EVIDENCE WITHIN TWENTY FOUR FUCKING HOURS OF US GETTING IT?"

Camila gulped, she had never seen the captain so angry. Then again, she had never seen evidence be obtained by the press so quickly; it was as if one news reporter picked up the story and every other station just followed suit, making sure that all everyone could hear was this girl's name. Why was she so important? Well, she came from a wealthy white family, of course, if it wasn't picked up instantly by so many stations, Camila was sure her family had the power to make them talk about their daughter. It also helped that Lauren was the exact opposite of the victim, she was a college student, so relatively poor, with no actual family or anyone for any sort of support; this made it all the more easier for the press to make Lauren out to be whatever they wanted, she was a nobody that is now a somebody, entirely because of them.

After angrily telling the squad to "Get back to work," Captain called in Camila and Dinah to his office. Both of them quickly followed him in there, waiting for him to talk obviously as he was still recovering from his outburst. He took a deep breath while closing his eyes, "I want you both to revisit the family of Abigail Jones. I knew they were going to be headaches when I first talked to them in the hospital, but this is out of control."

Dinah curiously scrunched her brows together, "You think they're the ones leaking information to the press? How would they know about the evidence?"

"They call alot, almost once every hour of the day, I tell the the receptionist to just calm them down give them updates and I think she must've let the information slip but I don't blame her. They don't seem to be on our side and I want you two to find out why."

Dinah and Camila both nodded before turning to head out to the Jones residence.


"Ah, so we finally were loud enough to make the police send out the lead detectives, took you people long enough," Mr. Jones angrily said as he sat down next to his wife on the couch across from Dinah and Camila, "I heard the girl who killed my daughter got a new lawyer, I swear if you people let that girl get away with it, I will make your whole department pay."

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