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Camila quietly sneaked out of the hotel room the next morning, careful to not awaken a peacefully sleeping Lauren. She wasn't that rude though, she did leave a note which Lauren didn't end up reading till a good half hour later when she wakes up to a cold empty bed.

She immediately noticed the note on the pillow that is right beside her where Camila once was; she smiles softly, she expected to wake up alone but she didn't expect for Camila to care enough to leave a note behind.


I hope you're just as confused as me. Just as lost as me, and just as scared as me. I'm terrified of what's to come out of this, of all that's at risk, but I know there's nothing I can do now. Thank you though, because all I know is that I've never felt as alive as I did last night, with you.

I'll be back, probably tonight. I still stand by my words by the way. I know I have no business coming back to visit you again, but, nevertheless, I will.

See you soon,


P.S. That was quite an interesting poem that you wrote ;)

Lauren's eyes widened at the last part as she turned and saw that, instead of being in the drawer where Lauren had put it, her journal was wide open, on the page of the poem, on top of the bedside table. She smiled and shook her head, she should've known that Camila wouldn't just forget about that. When that girl was interested in something, when she wanted to know something, she was determined to figure it out; that is something Camila has proven time and time again.


"Normani, please answer the phone," Dinah pleaded through her cell phone as she walked in the precinct, "I know you don't have my number blocked, so please just give me a call back as soon as you hear this. I have something I really have to tell you." Dinah momentarily paused as she smiled to greet some of the officers that she walked by on her way up to the main office. "It's important, it's something you should know. Trust me," and with that she ended the voicemail.

Dinah slipped her phone into her black jacket's pocket and was surprised as she walked up to her desk to see Camila already sitting at her own desk, which was right infront of her. Dinah curiously looked at the other girl, who was staring off into the distance, seemingly lost in her train of thought. "You're early today," Dinah said to Camila, who jumped when she heard Dinah's voice, "You okay?" Dinah asked, after seeing that she actually startled her.

"Oh, yea, I just zoned out for a little bit there," Camila tiredly replied, letting out a small smile in reassurance.

Dinah didn't seem fully content with the answer but she didn't feel like pushing it. She just slowly nodded in response and then proceeded to take off her jacket. She looked around the office to see that it was still relatively empty, except the captain's office door was closed, "Is the Captain here?" Dinah asked. He usually has the door open in the morning, only closing it when he has someone in there with him or is just really stressed.

"I think so, the door's been closed since I walked in but I hear him talking to someone," Camila explained as Dinah now sat down at her desk so she was sitting right in front of her.

Dinah nodded, deciding to wait for him to come out of his office before asking her captain about some of the cop gossip she had heard today. She knew it probably wasn't any of her business but she needed to know if he had any information about it, which she can then relay to Normani.

"So did you have anything you wanted to start with today?" Camila asked, which brought Dinah out of her thoughts. Camila usually let Dinah take the lead in their examination of the case as she was the actual detective here afterall.

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