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Camila watched as Lauren was forcefully dragged away, trying to fight the sour feeling in heart that the scene caused. She brought her attention away when the door Lauren was brought through closed and the Judge stated that the trial was adjourned. Dinah immediately nudged her shoulder, "Who was that girl talking to Lauren?" She asked, pointing over towards Alexa.

Both Camila and Dinah looked at each other in confusion, clearly both of them had no idea who she was which was definitely an issue. "Let's find out," Camila replied, she followed Dinah who got out of her seat and quickly caught up with the girl that was trying to escape out without being noticed.

"Woah," Dinah put out her arm to prevent her from moving, "In a rush? Gotta be somewhere?" she asked causing the girl to shake her head. The girl still looked at both of them with clear fear in her eyes, setting alarms to both Dinah and Camila.

"No," the girl stated, her demeanor obviously saying otherwise.

Dinah smirked, "Good, then that means you won't mind coming down to the station with us?"

Alexa gulped, she basically just walked herself into that one, seeing no other option, she nodded her head. Dinah's smirk only grew victoriously while Camila tried to give her a warm smile to ease her obvious timidness.

Camila was both fascinated and extremely alarmed by the amount of fear that Alexa had exhibited. Though both her and Dinah noticed it, Camila couldn't help but connect it to what she saw in Lauren's eyes.

There was a similarity there, Camila was certain of it, and she was going to make sure that she got to bottom of it.


"Would you like anything to drink?" Camila asked, it was procedure that the first thing they do was make the person they are interrogating feel comfortable.

Alexa simply shook her head, to which Camila nodded in response. She noticed that her demeanor was quite calm but this wasn't particularly a good thing. Going from nervous to calm usually meant that there was a potential for deception; everyone tries to act calm when they are hiding something. Camila prepared for Dinah to do the talking as she observed her, she squinted her eyes, blatantly staring at her, causing Alexa to avoid eye contact with her. Camila was aware that being stared at causes slight fluster and made sure to negate that in her full analysis.

Once Alexa made eye contact with Dinah, she was met with a somewhat friendly smile; it was, indeed, Dinah's attempt to appear as a good, non-intimidating cop, yet it didn't work. Dinah would always be seen as intimidating, as the hard, straight to the point interrogator. That's just the way Dinah worked, she was in a press for time and needed answers, and she was going to make sure she got those answers. "So, Alexa, right?" Dinah said, looking down at the file on the girl that was quickly made up by her coworkers while they were on their way here. It was essentially just a sheet of paper with very basic information that could quickly be found in their database, so it didn't really help her, "Interesting, you go to the same college as Lauren. I presume that's how you know each other?"

Alexa looked like she was about to nod her head, but paused, she stood straight up as she firmly said, "At this point, I will answer no more questions until I get an attorney."

Dinah made a sad coo and pouting, "Aw, but we didn't even get to the fun parts!" Alexa stayed silent while her face stayed impassive, but Dinah would by no means give up so early, "All I did was ask you a very simple question." Her voice now seemed irritated, her tone getting more harsh as she continued, "Let me let you in on a secret. As a detective, nothing, nothing, is more suspicious than asking for an attorney on a simple question. We were trying to have a small chat and now I already know you're hiding something by running away from a small fucking question." Dinah took a deep breath to control her anger, nothing gets her more stressed than having to bring lawyers so early into this, it only meant that the ride to answers was prolonged, "So, you sure you don't want to reconsider your damn answer?"

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