Twenty One

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"How exactly do you manage to lose Lauren Jauregui at her own damn trial? Wasn't there practically a hundred damn people in that building?!" The captain angrily shouted through the phone.

"I don't know, Captain, but we're getting on it, Eric is looking at the cameras and Camila and I separated to ask around but no one has seen her since she left the courtroom," Dinah nervously explained as Camila approached her with a court officer right next to her.

"He says there's an exit right near the staircase that's just down the hall from that bathroom we were in," Camila quickly said, tugging on Dinah's arm, already starting to head in that direction, "She must have went through there."

"Alright, Captain let me call you back I think we got a lead on where she went," Dinah breathlessly said into the phone as now both her and Camila were starting to jog to their destination.

"Keep me updated, remember detective you are still under my command and have to run anything risky by me," Captain Stone replied in a demeaning voice.

"Got it," Dinah said before swiftly hanging up so that way she wouldn't let the Captain's attitude make steer her from focusing on the task at hand. Camila and Dinah went through the exit door to find that they were now on the side of courthouse, standing on a block that led to the main intersection where the entrance was.

"Fuck," Camila muttered while she looked dishearteningly at the busy street and people walking along the sidewalk, "She could be anywhere by now."

Dinah sighed, knowing how true Camila's frightening statement was but she wasn't about to give up just yet. Her eyes slowly scanned her surroundings, she turned around to face the exit of the courthouse they just came out of, her eyes running from the door down the rest of the white brick until they suddenly lit up when she found what she was looking for hiding the top corner of the building's wall. "Look, there is the security camera!" Dinah said, pointing to it so that Camila easily saw it when she quickly spun around to see. Before Camila could even say anything, Dinah was already on her phone, impatiently waiting for Eric to pick up, "Eric, your ass better still be in the security room because we need you to look at the one that's on the left side of the building, right on fifth avenue."

"Uh, yea, give me a sec," Eric said as he walked back in the security room, admittingly he thought his job was done when all he did was ask the security man if he saw a suspicious woman walk out of the building. The lost security guard stood up to let him sit in the chair and look through all the monitors to try and find the one he needed.

"C'mon Eric we don't have all fucking day," Dinah urged in annoyance, rolling her eyes with Camila. The two of them began to walk up the block so that they could get to where their car was parked.

"Why did we even give him that damn job in the first place?" Camila genuinely asked. Her mind is racing so fast that she doesn't even remember the reasoning behind it.

"We didn't, the dumbass demanded that he do it," Dinah said, not even caring that Eric could hear her.

"Ouch, all this name calling is really hurting me," Eric said through the phone with a sarcastic laugh, "For your information though, I found the camera you told me to look through, but it's going to be hard. I have to speed through the last thirty minutes of footage looking for a fair skinned, black haired girl in all these crowds of people is not easy, Dinah."

"Well, you'd be able to do it quicker if you weren't looking for her," Dinah replied, her voice sounding as if she was explaining something to a small child. "The camera was pointed directly at the door that she most likely came out of so go through the footage as quickly as your small brain can and keep your eye trained on the door until you see the door open."

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