Twenty Two

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"Why?" Dinah asked simply after Camila confessed to her the whole story of her relationship with Lauren starting from when she made the rash decision to bail her out. The two were sitting across from each other in a diner that was nearby the jail with two untouched cups of coffee resting on the table.

"Why what?" Camila asked back, there could be many questions surrounding Camila's motive in half the decisions that involved Lauren which she's made over the last few weeks. Camila knows that she herself still has many questions about it too, but she's also learned that some questions get answered in time and others are better just being left unanswered. This is something she's come a long way to accept, and she's quite proud of it too, she's proud of the things she's learned through Lauren entering her life.

"I don't know. Listen, Mila, there's a lot of shit about you that I don't understand but this takes the fucking cake," Dinah said, creases in her forehead becoming prominent as she looked away from Camila and slowly shook her head. She tried to make sense of it, but she couldn't understand why Camila would be so stupid as to not only bail Lauren out but hook up with her multiple times nonetheless, that's the farthest thing from something that Dinah would ever expect the smaller girl to do. "You obviously know your whole job is at risk so why do it? And why risk your career for a murderer nonetheless?"

"Suspected," Camila corrected.


"She's a suspected murderer. You should be more careful of your wording, especially in a case where you and I both know there is enough reasonable doubt for her to be innocent," Camila defended, knowing fully well that Dinah was just going to discredit her input as her just being biased, especially with this new information that she revealed to her. Camila didn't care though, she was right in this instance, one did not have to be biased to think Lauren may be innocent. Camila knows that but she doesn't know if she will ever be able to convince anyone of that.

"You right," Dinah ironically admitted.

"I am?" Camila asked, this wasn't the way she had expected this conversation to be going. Dinah still hadn't really got on her for her irresponsible, unprofessional actions and now she was easily agreeing with what Camila was saying about Lauren's innocence. "I mean yea, I am," Camila repeated with confidence.

"Camila, just tell me one thing, did you fall for her?"

Camila gulped, silently looking down at the table before slowly nodding, "Yea, I think so."

"Then there's not much I can really say because I know just as much as anyone that you can't help it when it comes to that shit," Dinah said while giving Camila a sad smile, "I know what it's like to have feelings for someone but feel like everything is working against you." Dinah could feel herself getting off track, no longer even thinking about Camila and her situation so she quickly returned back by adding, "I know you must know what's at risk, and that this could turn out messy. I just hope you're ready for that, I hope you have some sort of plan because I don't want to see this end bad for you, Mila."

"I don't," Camila replied, defeated as she began to really think about it. All of her actions and decisions involving Lauren were so rash that she knows damn well she has no plan for going forward. "I really don't know what I'm going to do, Dinah," Camila weakly said with tears threatening to fall from her eyes, never before had she felt so lost and helpless.

"Hey, it's okay," Dinah said while reaching out to grab Camila's hand and stroke the top of it comfortingly, "It's just, maybe it's time you think about that. The more you put it off, the more that stress is going to build up anyway."

Camila bit her lip in thought before nodding her head in agreement, "Yea, I think I just maybe need some time off to think about all this, you know what my next career move has to be. I never thought I'd leave this job but well, you and I both know that now I kind of am going to have to."

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