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"I thought you had no business with me anymore?"

"You're right, I don't," Camila shot back, it was almost impulsively as she was dying to wipe the knowing smirk that was on Lauren's face off. Lauren knew exactly why she was here, she knew that she succeeded in getting Camila here, in placing herself inside of Camila's head and forcing her to come right back here. But Camila wasn't about to just blatantly admit that, she had far too much pride to do so.

This only made Lauren's smirk grew as she simply stared back at Camila, this caused Camila to let out a frustrated sigh as she lightly pushed past Lauren to get into the room. "Sure, princess, just invite yourself in," Lauren replied before letting out a chuckle, "Mi casa es su casa," she playfully remarked with a wink.

"This isn't even your house," Camila responded after giggling at Lauren's lameness; she did, however, quite enjoy how smooth Lauren's voice sounded when she spoke spanish. It had an effect on her body that she was trying to hide as she stood confidently in front of Lauren right in front of the bed.

Camila looked up at Lauren to see that she no longer had the playful glint in her eyes, and then it went silent. Both of them stood in front of each other, just like they did while in that bathroom. Silently looking into each other's eyes, as if both of them were trying to essentially read each other's minds. If one knew what the other person is thinking, it'd be easier to figure out what it is that should be said to break the silence. It'd be easier to figure out what, had to be said. There were so many things that both girl's thought should be said, needed to be said, so many unanswered questions that floated in between the two girls, yet they did nothing to answer them, nothing to voice them. They did nothing but stare.

Maybe, this is a form communication in itself, Camila thought to herself as she was being attacked by Lauren's green eyes. She felt as if they were still oddly communicating with each other; the way Lauren was content looking at Camila told her that she wasn't being challenged, even if her eyes alone were threatening.

It was as if her eyes alone were already asking the questions; Lauren frequently found answers in her brown orbs as well. Lauren was looking into her eyes right now and felt like she could see the chaos that was erupting in Camila's mind. The franticness of it, for that was what Camila's mind has proven to be as you could never tell whether her actions were spontaneous or calculated; two very different things, but Lauren liked it. Lauren was never fully sure of what Camila was thinking about but she was sure of the fact that she liked whatever was in that calculated mess.

Lauren took a step forward so that now their faces were just inches away from each other. She reached up and brushed her thumb along the side of Camila's face as she never took her eyes away from the windows to her favorite mind and then finally broke the silence as she asked, in a soft, low voice, "Why are you here, Camila?"

Camila bit her lip as she looked into Lauren's desperate eyes. They seemed desperate for an answer; an answer that was much deeper than the question she actually asked. Camila understood that but she also knew that she didn't have the answer quite yet. "I don't know," Camila admitted, uncertainty in her voice.

Lauren narrowed her eyes at that answer, then shook her head dismissively before leaning in so that her lips were just grazing Camila's, "Yes, you do."

There was a new glimmer in Camila's eyes at this answer that spoke volumes for Lauren; she seemed to like that answer, which was good seeing as Lauren was only going off of what she thought Camila felt. She was going off the unspoken conversation that they seemed to be having. Camila then let out a small smile, as she let out a rather big sigh, purposely moving her head a little up a bit so that it tickled Lauren's nose and just as Lauren was about to close her eyes expecting Camila to kiss her, she was lightly hit by Camila's wavy brown hair as Camila instead abruptly turned around. "You have no basis of actually knowing what I do and don't know," Camila said, almost mockingly as she walked to the other side of the room to scan it.

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