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"So, Lauren," Camila started, interrupting the awkward silence but still not looking directly at the girl, "I'm going to ask you a series of questions."

Lauren's eyes lit up when she heard her name escape from her lips, her lips grew into a smirk as she replied, "Ask away, princess."

Lauren's lawyer quickly looked at her disapprovingly, "Lauren don't be inappropriate. They play nice, we play nice."

"Oh shut up, Wendell," Lauren snidely remarked, her smirk had only grown at the brown eyes girl before her, who showed a tint of a blush and seemed to not want to make eye contact with me.

Camila cleared her throat, "Let's begin," she said, finally looking up at Lauren, "So, how old are you?"

Lauren smugly replied, "However old you want me to be," with a wink.

Dinah huffed, "Here we go again, not answering questions. You're a real piece of work, Jauregui."

Green eyes immediately glared at Dinah, already having distaste towards the girl from the interrogation yesterday. "Well it was a stupid question, you guys probably know my age already," she retorted, but then regretted it once her eyes fell back on Camila, "No offense, princess."

Lauren realized that Camia was taking notes, seemingly intrigued in her replies but not in the way Lauren had intended her to be; Camila quietly responded, "It wasn't a stupid question."

Lauren, now fascinated, inquired, "Then what was the point of it?"

"To get a baseline so I can separate the truth from lies," Camila explained, she saw Lauren look genuinely interested and took note of it.

"You must be the hottest lie detector, I've ever seen," Lauren winked, that response didn't catch Camila off guard. In fact, she anticipated it.

Dinah groaned, "Will you stop flirting with her, Jauregui, and let her do the damn evaluation."

"I think she's already doing it," Lauren said, her eyes not being taken away from Camila.

Camila smirked, still looking down at her notebook, "Correct." She definitely didn't doubt the intelligence of the girl sitting across from her, "Actually, I think I'm done for the day."

Both Dinah and Wendall gave her strange looks, but Dinah went along with it, following Camila who was already about to walk out the door without taking a second glance at Lauren.

"What on earth was all of that about?" Dinah asked as they were now walking the halls of the prison to the exit.

Camila looked at her in confusion, "What was what about?"

Dinah was about to explain but sighed as she realized she'll never understand the way Camila works. From her way of analyzing a case to her unconventional psychological evaluations, it was as if Camila was constantly on a different wavelength than the ordinary detective. Camila's brain worked differently, and Dinah was still trying to determine whether that was a good or bad thing.


Lauren watched Camila as she walked out, wondering about what the girl had written about her; what was the girl's opinion of her? Well certainly it couldn't be that high, she was being charged for murder, her picture is on the front page of the daily news with 'Monster' over it. But something about Camila told Lauren that she might see her differently, not saying Lauren actually believes she has a chance with Camila. She believes that she has a chance of Camila seeing the truth in Lauren, and that made her heart swell. It also scared her, though it warmed her heart to finally be seen by one of these detectives as less of a monster and more of true Lauren, it scared her more than anything else.

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