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Camila sighed as she stared at the dead body of a girl she had just spoken to less than 24 hours ago. It was self contempt? She questioned, feeling now at fault for the girl's death; why hadn't she been able to predict that? Why hadn't she known Alexa was going to kill herself and not someone else? It seems that either way, Camila shouldn't have ever let her leave the station.  

The medical team proceeded to wrap the body as Camila and Dinah made their way to speak to the forensic examiner. "It looks like a close range gunshot wound right to the chest, are you sure she was in this house alone?"

Both detectives looked at her, puzzled by the question, "Positive," Dinah replied. Though originally confident in her answer, she was starting to second guess herself, maybe the cops they had outside the house fucked up?

"Well, there is no gun residue on either of her hands, the angle of the shot is slightly downwards, and she has abrasions on her face and knuckles," Mia, the forensic examiner said, giving them a summary of all that she could find right there at the crime scene.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Dinah asked, both her and Camila already catching on to her conclusion. Camila's eyes especially widened, because this means she didn't have any fault in her death. The microexpression reading and the girl's death were not related, or were they?

"This was no suicide," Mia frowned, "Detectives, we got ourselves a double homicide."


Captain Stone's skin looked red while his face visibly got more wrinkly from the stress he was in, "Bury it."

Camila, Dinah, and Ally looked at him in shock, "What?"

"Bury this death, for now it is a suicide and we will look at it as such," the Captain said, his voice stern and demanding.

Camila was the first one to immediately protest, "You want us to just overlook this death? Pretend that nothing has occurred?" She was spoke back with fire, she had a passion for justice and demanded that Alexa get just as much justice as Abigail Jones. Why should one be prioritized over the other, because one has more coverage? Because the body of one was found in a public park instead of their own home? Isn't the latter more scary? Camila had a passion for justice, but the actual justice system was nothing but confusing and disappointing to her.

"For now, yes," he replied, simply, "I will assign two other detectives to look at it, but I don't want the media finding out about it. The last thing we need is them making a connection of this case to the Central Park one."

"What if there is one?" Camila challenged. Alexa is the best friend of their prime suspect, how could there not be some sort of connection?

"Do you have any evidence to prove your suggestions, Dr. Cabello?" the Captain replied, getting more angered with her my the minute. It wasn't that Camila was the only one in the room that thought of this connection and the importance of their case, it was just that Camila was the only one willing to voice her opinion on it. Ally and Dinah much preferred to comply with their Captain's orders which is why they stood silent.

"Well, no," Camila replied, she bit her lip in thought.

"Then you will continue with your case as if there is none," he said, now going back to sit at his desk, "Interview Lauren Jauregui tomorrow, try to get her talking more. I'm just saying for you three to focus on your case, I will assign someone else to investigate Alexa's. If you or them find a plausible connection, of course explore it. We have to tread lightly right now with that case, we are already under a microscope for god's sakes."

All three nodded, finally Camila joined her colleagues in keeping her mouth shut; she knew where Captain Stone was coming from, but at the same time she also knew it was impossible to bury this particular case for the the time being. How could she not pay any mind to a case that most likely had to do with Lauren's case? That most likely could prove Lauren's innocence? Above all, it most likely could lead to actual justice.

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