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Letter 1

[Letter sent to Creedmore Psychiatric Facility]

Hey Logan,

I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you these last two weeks. I'm just settling into my new place, finally living alone. I wish you could see my apartment, it's small but really cozy. I know you'd love it because the walls to my living room are your favorite color, lavender. I know if you were here you'd help me out, I mean don't get me wrong, Lauren's helping me just fine, it's just I wish you were here.

How is everything in there? I hope they are treating you well, please tell me they haven't been doing that therapy to you again. I know you said it doesn't hurt that much, but I don't believe you, you're literally being electrocuted. It's not even that, I don't understand how it will help you, neither does Lauren, or, even Camila, so you have to tell us if they do it again, okay? I can't really make demands well through letter or whatever but this is a demand! We won't have them hurting you.

Please be good to yourself, take care of yourself, and know you are so fucking loved, Logan. I'll see you in a week.

Love your favorite sister,


Letter 2

[Segment of article in New York Times that ran a day after plea agreement with Logan was made]

It seems like the NYPD has turned against each other, in what was an ultimate betrayal, one of their own was forced to make a courageous move and speak to the public about the truth behind the case.

While this person remained anonymous in the past, today she is coming forward after being forced to step down from her position as ADA, Ally Brooke Hernandez.

I met Hernandez on a cold fall day in the middle of the case against Lauren Jauregui, and I knew since that day that she was unhappy with her role in it. Let the records show though, that all that has been said and done, was her decision, not mine. Hernandez wanted information on the handling of the case to be released in hopes that the police department would get even more backlash and force her to make plea agreement with Logan Jauregui.

Which is exactly what happened, she got what she wanted, but at the cost of her job, most likely at the cost of her whole career.

Hernandez assured me that it wasn't over for her, though, and that like the two other employees who also worked on this case and were fired, both of which she still keeps in touch with, she will continue to pursue justice the right way, answering to no corrupt higher ups in the process.

Letter 3

Sent To: The Family of Alexa Ferrer

From: DJ Investigative Corporation


I first want to apologize to you, as the family of Alexa, a victim that has been lost in the mess that was the Jauregui trial. I hope you'll hear me out.

I worked on the case, I know you might automatically want to rip this letter apart after I say that, but please, there's more.

I want to give your daughter justice, and I've already begun the process.

I was fired as a detective and am now working as a private investigator, your private investigator, if you want me to be that is. I can't promise we can get true justice as all I can do is turn over my evidence in the end to the police who may not even pursue the case, they don't really like me at all. But I can get you answers.

In fact, I already got some of the answers.

Alexa knew that Lauren Jauregui was taking the fall for her brother, Lauren texted her to tell her this and to look out for Logan. When Alexa showed up to court, I think she upset some people. She had them thinking that she knew too much, and this is where her death can come onto my own hands because I coerced Alexa into questioning that day, unknowing that those people in that room might think Alexa would talk to us, tell us the real story. They wanted to see Lauren fall, I don't know why for certain yet, but I would guess it's because Lauren was favored by the father. Seeing Logan fall wouldn't be a blow to the father if he was alive, he didn't even consider him his son, and the suspect I have in mind wasn't satisfied with that.

It's the victim's father who is my prime suspect. I think Richard Jones has something to do in the death of your daughter.

If you allow me to, I'd love to pursue it and find you all the answers, give you the whole story and if we can't take it to the police, we can take it to the press. I have nothing to lose, absolutely nothing, and I will not back down against someone because of their wealth or power, I will promise to get justice one way or another for your daughter.

Best regards,

Dinah Jane Hansen

Letter 4


The only reason I'm writing to you right now is because I find this so much better than digital form of communication. I don't think I've ever told you that, there's lots of things you probably don't know about me because I never really gave you much of a chance. But as I was saying, I'm writing to you because in times where I have too much thoughts I have the need to write them down, tangibly so, and well tonight, I'm just thinking about you.

Not in like a creepy way.

I never thanked you. Camila's sleeping right next to me, and before she went to sleep she sort of just randomly mentioned that, she said I never thanked you and I should. Because you and I just wanted different outcomes, you fought for me while I didn't want anyone to fight for me.

I don't think many people in my life have fought for me so fiercely, believed in me, and stayed by my side even when I was being an asshole.

Please, reach out to me when you get this letter. It's been some time since I've heard from you, and I'd like for you to come over to my place. I'd like for you to see how happy I am, I share it with Camila, been living together for around a year now.

And when I look back, I know that this is the future you wanted for me. My life may still be fucked up, but there's happiness in it. I'm free, and for once I am truly happy. I feel like I am worthy of life, of love, and hopefully, of forgiveness, your forgiveness.

Thank you for all you've done for me, even for my brother in the end.

I'm sorry for being so difficult, I just never envisioned that there could be another way. I never wanted for there to be another way.

I wanted for my brother to live freely, even if maybe what he needed was help rather than freedom, I was blinded by my guilt. But not even that, Normani, I just wanted to give up. I wanted to die.

I made the move because I saw no hope in my life, no future for myself, I only thought I'd be consumed by the darkness and wanted to jump in rather than let it creep up on me.

But there's light, finally, there's fucking light within me, and although a huge spark was Camila, you were it too. Because you were the first and at times only person that believed in me, that wanted better for me, you were definitely it too.

You are huge part of the reason why I get a second chance at a new life, and for that, I don't even know if I can ever stop thanking you.


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