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"Her name is Lucy," Camila said, the name unfamiliar to Dinah, "I saw that there was an unfamiliar number down in Lauren's boring call log and basically just called it and well she answered."

Dinah slowly nodded, "And you think she knows Lauren pretty well?" She asked as she put the key in the ignition.

"She says they met online and that she knows Lauren for like a year. They seemed to be talking a lot, the last call Lauren made to her was a few weeks before the incident," Camila explained, offering a shrug as she truly didn't know what to expect from this lead. She didn't know if this was a dead end or if they actually found someone that was close to Lauren, but it was definitely worth checking out. Dinah just nodded, which was a relief to Camila, and Camila then told her the address before they took off to the destination.

Truthfully, Camila left out the real reason why the number on Lauren's outgoing call log first peaked her interest. It was made at three in the morning. Three in the fucking morning. Camila isn't dumb, there's not many types of people someone is gonna call at three in the morning.

Camila had to stop herself from jumping to conclusions, obviously her feelings towards Lauren were clouding her as she automatically started to feel some distaste for this girl that she didn't even really know.

"Thank you, for calming me down back there, by the way," Dinah said, which brought Camila back from her thoughts. "I really was about to knock that son of a bitch out."

"Don't mention it. I didn't really do much anyway, it was just a matter of a good timing," Camila replied with a small smile that Dinah caught a glimpse of before returning her eyes back to the road. "Besides that's what partners are for right? Making sure the other person doesn't beat someone up and lose their job," Camila joked.

"Nah," Dinah said, which caused Camila to be slightly confused before she added, "Not partners." Dinah turned to Camila to give her a genuine smile, "That's what friends are for," she said, making Camila smile right back in return.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, come on in," Lucy said after Dinah and Camila introduced themselves, stepping to the side so that they could walk into her small loft apartment.

The three of them walked past the brown coach that probably doubled as a bed to the tiny square shaped, wooden table near the kitchen area so that they could better talk to each other.

"I know that you spoke on the phone with Camila and she asked you a few questions, so I hope you don't mind that we're probably gonna have to re-ask some of them first," Dinah explained as she grabbed a piece of paper and pen out of bag, "It's just procedure."

"Yea, that's fine, I have no problem with that," Lucy replied while nodding her head and giving Dinah, who was sitting across from her, a nice smile. Too nice, Camila thought as she was sitting essentially to the side of both, She's pretty and too nice, I hate her already.

But Camila never hated anyone before for being too nice?

Clearly, she was just trying to find a problem. This hadn't even started and Camila couldn't stop herself from trying to find a reason to dislike her.

"So, start with telling us, in detail, how you met Lauren and go from there. We'll ask questions as they arise," Dinah begins which bring Camila out of her thoughts as she immediately looks at Lucy. She was going to carefully pay attention to her every answer, but it wasn't for reasons such as analyzing her expressions.

"We met on tinder actually," Lucy replied, looking down while bashfully letting out a giggle.

Camila tried her best not to show her disgust for the sound.

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