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When I see one of those girls from school post a picture of their crush for MCM, Man crush Monday..I get so confused like what?? There is a difference between a boy and a man like PUH-LEASE! WTF! The fvckboi is no man! The way he treats us lady's--not so quite women yet, is so foul. Wtf is wrong with this society now.

Middle schoolers (and the "famous" 10yr olds) thinking their adults like we are PRE-teens. PRE! What the fuck makes you think you're a young adult tf. Just cuz you "fuck bitches" and "do weed/drinking/other drugs or smoke weed everyday" doesn't really make you anything.

Do you pay your house bills? Do ya pay your telephone bills--HELL NO!

Do I really need to break into that Destiny Child's song???

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