Bucket List tAg

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Next chapter I'm doing this thing and I'm showing my face ;))

- I want people similar to me--to no longer feel alone and I feel as if i must achieve that

- YouTube channel

-Meet people I want to meet (YouTubers, Celebs)

-To be known/heard

-Get a book of mine published

-To follow my path {possibly not going to college????? THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!! LOL!! It's not mandatory for everyone to go to college Cx in America (other countries???) they make it seem as if it's a must but. . .}

-I want to be better

-Take care of my family

-Be known...did I put that

-Make sure 1D (Harry) knows me before I die

-Write better songs & take singing lessons (I need it)

-Get into that acting school 2k16


-Get my fortune told by the Psychic Twins

-D Y L A N O ' B R I E N

-AcTiNg carEER !!!!! (Get it started)

-my future is everything I ever wanted it to be; if not, then better

-Have a WAYY MUCH MUCH MORE better relationship with God.

-Get more involved with my church.

That's it for now.

I tag everyone that's reading this esp itssav ((IM SORRY!))

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