Aomine Daiki ↣ A New Relationship

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Letters in italic form are your guys' or someone else's thoughts! Also, there's slight cussing in this one - like one word (◡‿◡✿) .

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You were currently walking along the streets with your brother-like figure Matsuoka Rin. You haven't seen each other in a while since you both went to different schools so you decided to hang out today.

You suddenly stopped in your tracks and said, 'Rin-kun! I'm hungry'

He stopped then faced you, 'Huh? And what do you want me to do about it?'

'Buy me food' you said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

'No' he replied.

He then continued walking, leaving you behind.

'Oi! Wait up!' You called out, running to him.

'Come on! Please! I just want a packet of chips! They're really cheap as well!' You begged.

'Nope' he smirked.

After a few minutes of you begging, he finally agreed. Both of you were now on your way to the convenience store to buy some chips.


You stepped inside and went to find some chips, leaving Rin behind.

'Hmm... Which one should I eat today?' you thought, furrowing your eyebrows.

'Hurry up (Y/N)!' Rin said.

'Um... This one then!' you said, grabbing your favourite one.

'Alright, let's go' Rin said, grabbing the chips from you and then heading to the counter.

You followed behind him though your eyes were scanning the sweets that were put up on the shelves until...

'Oi! Watch where you're going!' You heard a man rumble.

You looked up and saw Aomine glaring at you.

'Oh gomenasai Ahomine' you then tried to walk past him but he grabbed your arm, making you stop.

'Now, now (Y/N)-chan, there's no need for you to apologise... Your boobs felt soft, by the way' he smirks walking away from you.

You now just comprehended what he said, making you turn red. Turning around, you said, 'Aomine! You pervert!'

'What? I was just complimenting you. You should thank me instead' he replied, looking at the magazines.

'Probably looking for that Horikita chick again'

'(Y/N)! We're going!' You heard Rin call out, followed by the sound of the door opening.

'O-oi! Chotto matte! Rin!' You yelled out.

Turning to him, you said, 'I'll see you around, Aomine-kun' and then rushing to the door.

'Yeah' he replied.


'O-oi! Chotto matte! Rin!' (Y/N) yelled out.

I then heard her say "I'll see you around" which I replied with a simple "yeah".

'Tch, who the hell is Rin?' I thought as I picked out a new magazine that had Horikita Mai-chan on it.

I went to the counter and bought the magazine then I went out the store. I was strolling around until I saw (Y/N) with him.

'Ah (Y/N)!' I called out to her.

She turned around and headed towards me with Rin following closely behind.

Man, he's pissing me off. Getting to spend a day with (Y/N) and all that shit.

'Yes, Aomine?' She questioned.

'U-um' Ahh crap. I don't even know what to say. Why did I even call her here?

She titled her head to the side, eyes filled with curiosity.

'(Y/N) who's this?' Rin spoke up.


'Ah sorry! I forgot to introduce you to him. Aomine, this is Rin, my childhood best friend. Rin, this is Aomine, m-'

'Her boyfriend' Aomine interrupted you, putting an arm around your shoulder.

'Oh? Is that so? I didn't know you had one' Rin smirks, raising his eyebrow.

'U-u-um! W-what are you talking about, A-Aomine-kun? You stuttered, tightly holding the hems of your shirt.

'(Y/N)-chan. I'm really hurt. You didn't even care to tell him about us?' You looked up at Aomine and saw the "sad" expression on face.

'Well, I'll leave you guys be. Just call me tomorrow if you're free, (Y/N)' Rin says before walking away.

Aomine basically dragged you with him as he started to walk. His arm's still around your shoulder.

'Aren't you being very quiet?' He suddenly said, poking your cheek.

'A-Aomine-kun! That was very r-rude of y-you!' You said.

'Huh? How was that rude?' he calmly said.

'Now Rin's going to think that we're actually dating! You just don't do that! You need to take the person out on a date before calling them your other half!' You replied.

'Are you free tomorrow?' He asked.

'H-huh? N-no. I need to hang with Rin since he needs to be back at practice the day after tomorrow'

'Okay, how about after that? Are you free?'

'Yes but why?' You asked, also taking a note that he walked you home.

'Didn't you say that I need to take you out on a date first before calling you my girlfriend?' He said, looking at you.


'No buts! We're going on a date. I'll pick you up at 10!' he replied, kissing your cheek then walked off.

You touched your cheek and smiled.

'I-I'll see you then!' You shouted.

He waved his hand with his back facing you. You watched him walk away until you can no longer see him.

Smiling, you opened the door to your house.

'Wait a second,' you thought, 'how does he know where I live?!'

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This is bad omg!
Sumimasen, sumimasen, sumimasen!

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