Himuro Tatsuya ↣ I'm Not Sick

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You groggily woke up when you felt the heat from the sun touch your skin. Turning to your side, you glared at the curtains for not protecting you. You grumbled and got out of bed, going to the curtains and closing them properly then going back to bed. You sighed, looking up to the ceiling as you felt your consciousness slip away.


The slight noise from the kitchen downstairs made you wake up from your slumber. Panic instantly strikes you at the possibilities that could happen.

What if there was a burglar with a knife? What if that person downstairs want to kill you?

There was currently no one at home with you since your parents are at work and your older brother went to school. With the nervous feeling accompanying you, you quietly go downstairs, careful not to make to much noise or the intruder might hear you. Taking a deep breath once you get there, you sneakily take a peak through the door.

"Tatsuya?" You spoke, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

He turned around and gave you a heart-warming smile. He motions for you to come closer to him, in which you did. Himuro hugs you gently and you hugged back.

"How are you feeling?" Himuro asked as you sat on the stool.

"What do you mean?" You replied, acting oblivious.

Himuro gave you a look and you turned your head to the side.

"I know you're sick, (Y/N)," Himuro said with a strict tone.

"N-No, I'm not," you argued, Himuro sighing.

You were known to be a stubborn person among your group of friends. Just two days ago, you got sick from the rain. The bus was running late and you needed to get to school, so you did what every "smart" person will do and ran while it was pouring hard. In the end, you figured it was stupid since you arrived half an hour late and caught a cold.

"Go to your room, I'll bring the soup when it's ready," Himuro said, returning to the stove.

"Fine, but I'm not sick," you said, getting down from the stool.

You head to your room and lay down your bed. As much as you wanted to stay awake, you couldn't since sleep was taking over your body.

After a few minutes, Himuro came up to your room, lightly knocking on your door. He slightly opened it and took a peak inside. When he saw you were asleep, he went over to your bed and laid down the soup on your nightstand. Raising a hand to your forehead, he checks your temperature. After doing so, he gently ran his hand through your hair and said your name.

"Tatsuya?" you ask, voice slightly hoarse.

"Hey, do you need help to sit up? I brought you your soup," he smiles, helping you to sit.

You rested your back against the headboard and looked at the bowl that Himuro picked up. He got soup on the spoon and lifted it up to your mouth, making you stare at him.

"Come on, just open up!" he said, chuckling.

You opened your mouth and let Himuro feed you the soup. After swallowing the food, you gave him a genuine smile. His cooking was fantastic as always.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"Yeah! You're a great cook, Tatsu!" you grinned.

Himuro kept feeding you until the soup was gone. Once you finished it, he quickly went down to wash the dishes then back to your room. He came back with a glass of water and a pill for your cold.

"Himuro Tatsuya! I told you that I wasn't sick!" you said, pouting.

"We've been dating for two years. Do you think I'll fall for that?" he said, playfully rolling his eyes.

He walked over to you and told you to take the medicine, making you turn your head to the side. He tried again, but you just hid under your blankets.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Take them, please!" he said.

You revealed yourself from under the blankets and stared at him. Sitting up, you cross your arms.

"I don't feel anyth-"

You were interrupted by a cough, making you think that the universe is unfair. Himuro suddenly put his hand on your head, making you face him. He gave you a stern look and you sighed. You took the pill from him and drank the water. After taking your medicine, you laid back down on your bed and tucked yourself in.

"There you go! That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Himuro said, smiling.

"I... guess," you reply.

"I'm gonna go down and wash this then we can cuddle, okay?" Himuro said as he leaned in and kissed your forehead, making a small smile appear on your face.

'Maybe being sick isn't so bad after all'


Someone requested a Himuro fluff! I hope this was enough!(>y<)

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