Kuroko Tetsuya ↣ Kisses & Sweaters

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Christmas Special #7

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Opening your eyes, you see Kuroko beside you. You smiled in content as you saw him sleeping. Lifting a hand up, you trace his features. From his cheek, to his jaw then you stopped at his chin. You gently grabbed both of his cheeks and leaned in to give him a soft kiss on his forehead. You soon moved down to his nose, giving it a light peck.

You contemplated on whether you should give him a kiss on the lips now or later when he's awake, but the choices were soon shaken off when you feel him move.

"(Y/N)-chan?" he asks, voice raspy from just waking up.

"Ohayō, Tetsu," you smile at him, still holding his face in between your hands.

He gave you a smile back then leaned in until your noses were touching. After letting a few seconds pass, he finally leaned in until he was touching your lips. The kiss, as always, is filled with warmth, love, and is heart-felt. You both pulled away for air.

"Merry Christmas," Kuroko says, kissing your forehead.

You chuckle, lightly squeezing his cheeks. "Merry Christmas to you too."

He got up, pulling you with him. You whine about how you didn't want to get up just yet, but he argued with you saying that you won't get to open your present. You tackled him into a hug, making the both of you fall back in bed again.

"Come on, (Y/N), I'll make us breakfast," Kuroko says.

"Okay!" you said, happily.

Kuroko heads to the kitchen as you make your way to the living room. You sat down on the couch, looking at the Christmas tree beside the TV. Your eyes wandered down to the presents, making you wonder what Kuroko got you for this year. Lightly laughing, you remember what you bought as Kuroko's present. You bought him an ugly Christmas sweater as a joke and new basketball shoes.

You got up from the couch then walked to the kitchen. You see Kuroko laying the food down on the table. He cooked pancakes and made hot chocolate which smelt really delicious.

"That looks yum, Tetsu!" you exclaimed, hugging him from behind.

He chuckles. "Eat up then, (Y/N)-chan."

You sat down with him across you. You started to dig in, but Kuroko was just staring at you. You still continued to eat, but your moves are now a bit hesitant.

"Is something wrong?" you ask him. "You're not eating."

"Everything's fine... I just got distracted by your beauty," Kuroko smiles, making you blush.

'I swear, Tetsu's the smoothest guy ever!' you thought.

When you and Kuroko finished your breakfast, you took both of your dishes to the sink and washed them. You grabbed Kuroko's hand then lead him to the living room, making him sit down on the couch.

You picked his present up from the tree and handed it to him. He took it from you then smiled.

"Go on! Open it!" you smiled.


Kuroko says, putting his present on the couch beside him. He got up from his spot and walked to the Christmas tree. He got your present then gave it to you.

"We'll open it both at the same time," Kuroko said.

"Okay!" you replied.




You both unwrapped your presents, showing ugly Christmas sweaters. You looked at each other then started to laugh. After the laughter had died down, you stood up once more and got his real present. You handed it to him, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Another one?" Kuroko asks, examining the present.

"Of course! This is your real one," you said to him.

He carefully unwrapped the present, revealing the basketball shoes he's been wanting for a long time. He looked up from it and stared at you with wide eyes.

"H-How did y-you-"

"I applied for a part-time job in the store next to my house just so I can get enough money," you said, giving him a closed-eye smile.

He set the present down then hugged you tightly. Resting his head on your shoulder, he sighed, feeling happy. You hugged him back and petted his hair.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get you a cool present,
(Y/N)," Kuroko said, his voice muffled.

"It's alright, Tetsu! As long as I have you here with me then I'm happy with that," you said, letting go of the hug then kissing him on the lips.

"Thank you so much, (Y/N)... I love you," Kuroko smiles, hugging you again.

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That's it for the Christmas Specials! I hope you guys have enjoyed them all!


Merry Christmas to everyone! Hope you guys have/had an amazing day today and ate loads of yum food!

The KnB OVA is lovely! If you haven't watched it then you should do it, like, now! (≧∇≦)/

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