Aomine Daiki ↣ Alone

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Warning(s): a bit of lemon, swearing

This story is set in later times when Aomine and the reader are in college.


"Ow..." you whispered, sitting up from the bed.

You look over your shoulder and found Aomine still sleeping. You gave him one last kiss on his forehead before leaving the house. Oh, how rough he'd been last night, you can't even walk properly. Picking your clothes up from the ground, you try your best to stay quiet while changing.

You walk towards the door, looking at Aomine one last time.


"D-Daiki, no, not inside. P-Please!" you whimpered, putting your hands on his chest.

"Shit, you feel so good. I-I can't... (Y/N)!" Aomine panted.

You tried to push him away, but realised that it was too late as you felt him release inside you. Your eyes widened, Aomine wearing the same expression. He pulled out of you and looked at you with a regretful expression.

"(Y/N)... I'm so sorry! I couldn't control myself," Aomine said, not meeting your eyes.


Even though there's a chance that you aren't pregnant, you still left him. You didn't want Aomine to feel chained down because of the possibility that a baby's forming in your stomach.


You have asked Momoi to get some pregnancy tests for you to use and it came out positive, all of them did. You didn't know whether to cry out of sadness or happiness. Aomine had been trying to contact you ever since you left, but you didn't have the courage to answer him.

"(Y/N)-chan! You've got to tell Dai-chan! It's his kid too, you know!" Momoi said, puffing her cheeks.

"I can't do that, Satsuki... I don't want to take his freedom away." you said, playing with your fingers.

"But (Y/N)... Dai-chan's been a wreck ever since you left," Momoi said.

"I just can't. I'm sorry, Satsuki... Can I have some time alone, please?" you said.

"Sure, call me if you need anything. I'm always here for you, (Y/N)-chan!" Momoi said, letting herself out of the house.


"I miss her so damn much, and it's killing me that she's gone!" Aomine cried out.

The boys looked at Aomine sympathetically. They didn't like seeing Aomine suffer like this. Wondering why he had called them over, Akashi spoke.

"Aomine... Just what did you do to (L/N)-san that made her leave you?"

Aomine looked at Akashi in the eyes, not wanting to tell him what made you pack up in the first place. He just shook his head, face in his hands.

"Aomine, I'm not going to repeat myself." Akashi said, looking at Aomine expectantly.

"I... I got her pregnant. Satsuki told me yesterday." Aomine sighed.

Everyone was silent for a moment, looking at Aomine in shock.

"You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?" Midorima spoke, breaking the silence.

"I couldn't... I couldn't fucking control myself, okay? It was like someone else was controlling my body... I-It felt too good." Aomine replied. "I love her... I love (Y/N) so much."

"Maybe it's best if you just leave her be?" Kise suggested. "I mean, we don't know for sure if she left you because she's pregnant or if she's had enough of you already. She wouldn't answer your calls or texts, right?"

"She's probably just scared, Kise-kun." Kuroko said.

"Guys... Is it alright if you give me some time alone? I need to think." Aomine said, looking at the ground.

They all agreed, patting Aomine in the back and leaving. Aomine broke down as soon as the door closed. He couldn't handle being away from you for much longer, but he needed to do something. He knows he needed to do this. Aomine sent you a final text, not expecting you to reply.


To: (Y/N)
From: Daiki

Hey (Y/N)... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry again. I hope you can forgive me. I miss you so much, you wouldn't even believe it. I've been a wreck without you as you already know, but I've got to stop, don't I? I guess it's time for me to let you go... I love you so, so much, baby. Don't you dare forget that.
I'll see you around...
sent 12:48am


He did what he had to do.

He's going to leave you alone now... For good.


42. "I miss her so damn much, and it's killing me that she's gone!"
47. "You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?"

Requested by: joellechan1213

I'm so sorry! *bows down* this is so bad, but I wanted to get a chapter out before I do my internals. I hope you guys still enjoyed it though(?)

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