Nijimura Shūzō ↣ Always

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"You're hurting me, let me go." you said, trying to get your wrist out of Nijimura's grip.

Nijimura saw you "flirting" with Haizaki when he entered the gym. Frustrated, he decided to walk straight to you and drag you away from the ash-haired man, leaving Haizaki confused, but happy as to why he suddenly dragged you away.

In reality, you were giving Haizaki a piece of your mind on why he shouldn't play with girl's feelings since you saw him make a girl cry.

"I saw you flirting with him, (Y/N)." Nijimura said, finally stopping and facing you.

"Flirting? Let's be honest here, Shūzō! I wasn't flirting with him!" you said, raising your voice.

"Really? You were leaning pretty close to him! May I add that your hand was on his cheek too!" he retorted, raising his voice as well.

"What the hell?! I was pinching his cheek, oh my gosh!" you said.

"You know what? I'll just see you tomorrow. I don't have the energy to do this anymore." Nijimura said, walking away.

"Shūzō! Don't you dare walk away from me! You started this!" you shouted.

Nijimura just waved, his back still facing you. You glared at him, going back to the gym to get your bag. You saw him practicing with the others, but decided to leave anyways. You'll deal with him tomorrow when he's calmed down.


Your walk to school was very quiet since you didn't have Nijimura with you. You wondered if you should talk to him this morning or later on, but your thoughts were stopped as you felt a hand grab your wrist.

"Hey there, (L/N)-chan," a voice spoke, making you turn around.

"What do you want from me, Shinji-kun?" you said, not in the mood to deal with him today.

"No Nijimura today? Did you guys break up?" he said, smirking.

He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer to him. You struggled to get out of his hold as he leaned closer and closer to you.

"Stop! Get off of me!" you said, punching his chest repetitively.

"Stop struggling, (Y/N). I know you want this!" he said, a centimetre away from your face.

You closed your eyes, not wanting to see what he was going to do. Your eyes opened as you heard a sound and felt his hold fade, Shinji was on the ground. Another hand grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to their figure.

"Let me tell you exactly where in hell you can go!" Nijimura said, glaring at him.

"S-Sorry! I-I'll go now!" Shinji said, running away.

You turn to look at Nijimura, but he was facing the ground. You cupped his cheeks with your hands, making him look directly at you.

"(Y/N)... I'm sorry for how I reacted yesterday. Akashi and Haizaki told me what happened between the both of you... I'm so sorry for treating you like that," Nijimura said, looking at your eyes.

"It's fine, Shūzō. Just don't do it again or I'll kick your ass. Thank you for saving me from Shinji!" you said, smiling at him.

"I'll always save you, (Y/N). Always," Nijimura said, kissing your forehead.


56. "You're hurting me, let me go."
39. "Let me tell you exactly where in hell you can go."

Requested by: nishimaki

I don't exactly have Nijimura's personality down since I don't write about him often so I'm sorry if he's OOC!

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