Wakamatsu Kōsuke ↣ Die, Kōsuke!

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"Hon'nouteki naru situation..."

You were currently cleaning the living room of yours and Wakamatsu's house, jamming along to 'Catal Rhythm' by Oldcodex. Wakamatsu was out getting the groceries since it was his turn this month.

'Oh gosh, here comes my favourite part!'

"Jiyuu ukeirete wa mogaite kuratte fuantei..."

You sang, using the broom as a microphone. You walked around your living room as if you were on the stage. Pointing to the TV, you acted like it was a fan of yours.

"Here comes the chorus!" You shouted. "Tobi tachitaku naru tte? Katarurizumu oboete ndarou"

You were having fun, turning the music up louder, therefore not hearing the front door open and close.

"(Y/N)! I'm home!" Wakamatsu called out, placing the groceries on the kitchen counter.

He heard no response from you, instead he heard the music. Wakamatsu followed the source of the music and ended up in the living room where he saw you singing and dancing. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the frame of the entrance to the living room.

"Zanzou demo ii nda, Future aspect!" you sang, kneeling down and finishing the song.

You had no idea that Wakamatsu was watching you until you heard a giggle. Eyes widening, you turned around to face him. Wakamatsu was laughing, walking over to you. You stood up and gave him a sheepish smile.

"H-How long have you been standing there?" you ask, averting your eyes away from him.

"Long enough to see you finish that song," he said, smiling at you.

"Oh god... I'm so embarrassed..." you said, covering your face.

Wakamatsu took your hands away from your face and made you look at him. He leaned in, kissing your forehead.

"Aw, don't be, (Y/N)-chan! It was a great performance! Entertaining to watch too." He said, winking.

"You will not speak of this to anyone, you hear me, Kōsuke?" you said, pouting at him.

"Don't worry! I won't!" He said, walking to the kitchen.

"I'm not so sure I'm gonna keep that promise about showing the video to the team though." Wakamatsu said, holding his phone out.

Your eyes widened, running over to him. As soon as you were a foot away from Wakamatsu, you tackled him to the ground.

"Die, Wakamatsu Kōsuke! Die!"


20. "H-How long have you been standing there?"

Requested by: DarkMistressDragneel

There are, like, no photos of Wakamatsu smiling. Wow.

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