Izuki Shun ↣ Biology Project

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Sitting in class, you were currently listening to your classmate's lecture on why you shouldn't rip your notebook's pages. You weren't really listening to what she was saying since you didn't really care. Just nodding your head every now and then to show her that you were "listening".

She saw you ripping a page of your notebook to give your friend one since he needed it and ever since class ended, she has been blabbering on about the importance of notebook pages.

You got your lunch out and started to eat as your classmate continued to talk.

"(L/N)!" Someone called out.

You looked up from your lunch and saw Izuki coming in your classroom.

"Izuki-kun! Aren't I glad to see you here! Would you like to go somewhere else to eat? Yes? Let's go then!" you grabbed your lunch and your bag then dragged him out of the classroom.

"What was that all about?" Izuki asked once you were out of the classroom.

"You know that girl that was beside me?" you asked, he nodded. "Well, she was going on and on about how I shouldn't rip the pages of my notebook because I'm wasting it and making it look ugly! Like, gosh! So annoying!"

He chuckled at your annoyance, making you glare at him. "Let's go eat in the fields then!"

You both walked to the field and sat down in the grass. You got your lunch out again and took a bite. You sighed in content as the taste of (Favourite Food) hit your tongue.

"Finally, some food!" you exclaimed.

"How's your day so far?" Izuki asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"It was okay but that girl ruined it. She's so... so... so ugh!" you said.

"It's been great so far. I'm looking forward to basketball practice later on!" Izuki said, smiling.

"That's good," you said, nodding your head.

You and Izuki met at the beginning of last year when you were both first years. He sat beside you in the cafeteria when he noticed how sad you looked and said a pun which made you look at him and pull a face at how stupid it was. He then continued to give you puns until you laughed at one of them. He's been eating lunch with you whenever he's free ever since then.

"Ne, (L/N), can you help me with a biology project that I'm doing at the moment? All you need to do is check my pulse," Izuki said, putting his sandwich in his lap.

"Yeah, sure!" you said, putting down your lunch.

Izuki rolled his sleeve up and held his hand out to you. You took it and started to examine his pulse.

"Hey, you know we're basically holding hands right?" Izuki smiled.

"Well, obviously," you rolled your eyes and continued to examine his pulse which was quickly beating.

"And I'm not in biology," Izuki smirked.

You looked at him and felt your face getting hot as a blush began to appear. You forgot that you were still holding his wrist as you were too distracted on what he just said.

"Wh-What?" you stuttered, making Izuki smile as he thought of you cute you were acting right now.

"I like you, (L/N)," Izuki said, holding your hand gently.

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