Midorima Shintarō ↣ Regret

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"Shintarō! Guess what?" you said, feet rocking back and forth.

"What is it now, (L/N)?" Midorima sighed, pushing his glasses up.

Whenever school and Midorima's practice were finished, you would always come up to him and tell him stories about your day. You've become quite attached to the green-eyed tsundere, making Takao tease him even more.

Believe it or not, Midorima doesn't actually mind your company, he rather enjoys it since you've grown on him. Since Midorima was rather known for not showing his true feelings, you just felt that you annoyed him at times.

Today was different since Midorima's day had bad luck written all over it. He has broke his lucky item in the middle of practice, blaming Takao because of his rowdiness. He just couldn't handle your story for today, so he shut you up.

"Then they told me that I could move on to natio-"

"When are you going to realise that I don't care?" Midorima spoke, looking at you. "You're always talking about your day, but can't you see that I've had enough? Don't you have any other friends to tell these stories to or are you really that lonely? How pathetic is that. Stop bothering me."

That made you close your mouth and look straight at him. You could feel your heart beating fast, Midorima's eyes widening. Blinking a couple of times, you made sure that no tears were to fall down.


"I-I'm sorry, Midorima-kun. I better get going. I'll see you tomorrow!"

From that day onwards, every time Midorima tried to talk to you, you'd go the opposite direction. You didn't want to feel like you're being a burden to him so you left him be. You were hurting inside since Midorima is the guy you love.

What you didn't know was that Midorima was hurting as well. If you had asked him what he regretted the most, his answer will be the day he said those things to you. Why?

Because he loves you. Simple as that.


30. "When are you going to realize that I don't care?"

Requested by: _Sasha_Brause_

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