Sakurai Ryō ↣ Notes & Gifts

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'The way you play (favourite sport) is really amazing! I like how you're so dedicated to it.

You lightly blushed as you finished reading the small note that was attached to a small transparent box that contained a piece of (favourite flavour) cake. You kept the note in your notebook and put the cake carefully in your bag.

Everyday for the past two months, gifts and little notes have been secretly given to you either by your locker or by someone from your year group, sometimes even the seniors.

"I saw that, (N/N)-chan! Is it another one from your secret admirer?" a certain pink haired girl appeared in front of your desk.

"I guess so," you replied, getting your book and your pencil case out.

"Do you have a clue on who it is?" Momoi asked.

"Honestly? I have no idea," you said.

"Did it have a na-"

"Alright, everyone! Get back to your seats! Class is starting," your teacher spoke as he entered the door.

"Mou! Sensei always comes in at the wrong time!" she pouted then walked to her seat.

You chuckled at her attitude then turned your attention towards your teacher who was now starting the lesson.


"(L/N)!" You hear someone call out.

Turning around, you see Yoshinori jogging to you.

"Yoshinori-senpai? What are you doing here?" you say, confused as to why the third year came to talk to you.

"Well, someone wanted me to give this to you earlier, but I couldn't find you." he sheepishly smiled. "Here you go!"

He gave you a nicely wrapped box with a note on it then walked away, but not before saying, "Think about it!"

You waved goodbye to Yoshinori then headed back to your classroom to eat lunch. You opened the door and went to your seat.

'Second gift for today, huh?'

You stared at the small box, deciding whether to open it now or later. You decided to open it later when you're back home, but chose to read the small note now.

'I really admire you, (L/N)-san! You may or may not return my feelings, but it's alright if you don't! Please meet me at the park with the "big ass" fountain later after school. I'd rather confess all my feelings there than write it here. Thank you!

You closed the note and put it in your pocket.

'Big ass' fountain... So this is someone I must know really well.


You stood underneath a tree, waiting for your secret admirer. Feeling your phone vibrate, you got it out. You turned the phone on and saw that it was a message from Momoi.

From: Satsuki (≧∇≦)/
To: (N/N)-chan ('ε )

To: Satsuki (≧∇≦)/
From: (N/N)-chan ('ε )
Satsuki?! WHO IS IT ????

She didn't reply after that, making you growl in annoyance. You furiously tapped away on your phone, not noticing the figure standing in front of you.

"E-Eto... (L/N)-san..." He spoke, making you look up.

"S-Sakurai-kun?! Wh-What are you doing here?" you stuttered.

"I-I'm the one w-who gave you the l-letters and the gifts," he said, looking down at his feet.

"R-Really?" you said.

"H-Hai... (L/N)-san... I really, really like you ever since I saw you helping the basketball team. I like how you're passionate about (favourite sport). I like how you cheer everyone up with just a smile. I like how you're very kind and caring towards others. I like how you're so polite. I like how your eyes sparkle every time you see something you love, but the thing I like... no, love... The thing I love the most about you is how you're... amazing in every way. I like you, (L/N)-san! Please accept my feelings!" Sakurai said, bowing in a 90 degree angle.

It shocked you to know that Sakurai was the one that gave you all of those sweet little notes and those wonderful gifts. It also shocked you on how he straightforwardly told you how he felt, instead of him being a stuttering mess like always.

There was a complete silence after his confession that went on for about seconds. You were stunned. You didn't think that he'll like you back. Sakurai felt like he did something wrong and started to panic.

"I-I'm sorry if you didn't like the notes and the gifts! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't deserve to live! It's okay if you don't like me! I'm sorry if I sounded like I was forcing you to be in a relationship with me! I'm sorry! I'm so-"

"Sakurai-kun... just be quiet for a moment. I haven't even told you of what I feel yet." You said, covering his mouth with your hand.

"I... like you too, Sakurai-kun. I just didn't think that you'll return my feelings. I'm really glad that you do though. I had a crush on you ever since the beginning of the school year. I'm happy and I accept your feelings!" you said, removing your hand then you began to hug him tightly.

Sakurai stiffened at your sudden action, but slowly hugged back. He buried his face into your shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you for accepting my feelings, (L/N)-san," he said.

"Call me (Y/N) since we're dating now, silly," you said, letting go of him.

"O-Okay, then you'll have to call me Ryō!" he said, holding your hand tightly.

He went close to your face then kissed your forehead.

"Th-Thank you again... (Y/N)," he said, smiling at you.

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