Akashi Seijūrō ↣ No Use in Hiding

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You sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Looking around you, you see girls flocking around Akashi. Ever since his team's lost in the Winter Cup, he went back to being his old self – making him pretty popular with the ladies.

"(N/N)-chan, are you okay? You've been sighing a lot today," Mibuchi asked.

"Not really. Akashi being surrounded by girls, pretty, pretty girls really bothers me and I don't know why!" you said, picking at your food.

"I thought you both decided to make your relationship public?" Hayama said, grabbing some of your food.

"I thought so too. I was just waiting for him to tell everyone, but I guess it's not going to happen anytime soon..." you replied, giving your bento to Hayama.

Hayama happily took your bento, munching away while humming an upbeat tune. Mibuchi looked at you, placing a hand on your back.

"Everything's going to be fine." Mibuchi said.

"I hope so," you nodded.

You stood up as the bell rang and said farewell to both of the boys, promising Mibuchi to text him later. You were almost to your class, but Akashi called your name, making you stop.

"(Y/N)! Hey love," Akashi said, appearing beside you.

"Hey." you replied, hoping your voice didn't sound too cold, but seeing Akashi raise his eyebrow made you think otherwise.

"Is everything alright?" Akashi asks.

"Yes, Seijūrō." you said, starting to walk.

"How was your lunch?" Akashi asked, beginning to walk as well.

"Good. I bet yours was better though, having those girls surround you." you said out of spite.

"I'm going to class now, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." you said, nodding at him.

You walked past Akashi, but he grabbed your arm, making you stop. He made you face him and put both of his hands on your cheeks, cupping them.

"I'm sorry... I was just being nice to them. No one can replace you, (Y/N). I love you and only you, understand?" Akashi said, looking directly at your eyes.

You knew he was telling the truth and you felt bad. You felt bad because you're blaming him for your insecurity when he has done nothing wrong.

"I understand, Sei... But..." you trailed off, looking down.

"But what?" Akashi asked, still cupping your cheeks.

You sighed, figuring that it was just best to tell him your problem. Looking up, you see Akashi with furrowed eyebrows, signalling that he was worried about you.

"I'm tired of being your secret."

Akashi froze, blaming himself that he was the reason you were acting like this. He let go of you, moving his hands back down to where they rested beside his body. He then bowed, making your eyes widen.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise to tell everyone that we're together." He spoke gently.

"S-Seijūrō..." you said.

As soon as he stood back up, you attacked him with a hug, making him hug you back tightly.

"I'm sorry! I'm so selfish! It's not your fault at all" you said.

"It's fine, (Y/N). I love you," Akashi said, gently kissing your cheek.

"I love you to-"

"Hey! You two! Get back to class!" A teacher shouted.


From: Reo
To: (Y/N)
Subject: WOW
I heard you and Sei-chan are a thing? So happy for you, (Y/N)-chan! ;)
received 6:32pm

To: Reo
From: (Y/N)
What a lucky girl I am haha :3
sent 6:33pm


36. "I'm tired of being your secret."

Requested by: _Sasha_Brause_

What a rude teacher, ruining yours and Akashi's moment.

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