Kasamatsu Yukio ↣ Reward

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"I want to say welcome to everyone who's here today for the Kaijō Sports Prize Giving!" the principal said, standing in the podium.

Today was the 'Sports Prize Giving' for Kaijō and as a player of the school's volleyball team, you had to attend. You were sitting with some of your friends from the team in the middle section of the seats. The football team was in front of you while the swimming team was in the back.

"To start our event off, Inoue-san and Maki-san will give you a sports report of what Kaijō has done for this year." the principal walks off, handing the podium to the two 3rd years.

Everyone in the audience clapped as Inoue and Maki went up the stage to present.

"Kaijō's sports clubs are all at national level. We are very happy to know that more than 100 students participated in this year's clubs..."

After Inoue and Maki gave the report, a student council member, Nakahara Yuichi, and a sports teacher, Yamamoto-sensei, went up the stage.

"Hey guys! My name's Nakahara Yuichi and I'm a 3rd year here in Kaijō. This is Yamamoto-sensei by my side. We're up here to hand out the team awards for this year!" Nakahara said.

"First, we've got the football team! The most improved player is..."

Nakahara kept on going until the awards for the football and swimming team were given out.

"Now we've got the awards for the basketball team!" Yamamoto said as it was Nakahara's turn to give out the awards.

"The most improved player is Shinya Nakamura, the most valuable player is Kise Ryōta and the most outstanding player is Mitsuhiro Hayakawa." Yamamoto announces as the boys who were called stood up and went to the stage.

"These are the awards for the volleyball team!" Yamamoto says. "Most improved player is Nanami Kimura, the most valuable player is (L/N) (Y/N) and the most outstanding player is Akiyama Mai!"

You stood up along with your teammates and headed towards the stage. You walked up the little staircase and on to Nakamura. After Nanami got her award, it was your turn to get yours.

Shaking your hand, he says, "Congratulations, (L/N)-chan! You deserve it!"

"Thanks, Nakamura-senpai," you smiled at him.

You got your certificate and medal from him and walked back down. As you make your way to your seat, you saw Kasamatsu looking at you with a small smile and a thumbs up. You waved and smiled back at him.


After the event, you headed out to your classroom to get your bag since you were allowed to go home early after the prize giving.

You slid the door open and made your way to your bag.

"(Y/N)," you hear someone call out.

Turning around, you saw none other than your dorky boyfriend, Kasamatsu Yukio.

"Hey, Yuki-kun!" you cheerfully say, walking over to him.

He hugged you once you've reached him. Resting his chin on the top of your head, he says, "Congratulations on your award. You earned it. Now, as a reward, do you wanna get (Favourite Snack)?"

"Thank you, Yukio! Also, (Favourite Snack) sounds good right now!" you said.

"Then let's go," Kasamatsu said, letting go of you then holding your hand.

You walked out the school, hand in hand. Right now, you were both making your way to a convenience store that sells your lovely snacks.

"Ne, Yukio, were you the one that chose Kise and the other two for the awards?" you asked him.

"Not quite... Moriyama, Kobori and I discussed it after practice when everyone left," Kasamatsu opens the door for you.

"Here's some money, wait for me outside the store once you've bought your food." Kasamatsu said, handing you the money.

You entered the store with Kasamatsu right behind you. You then headed to the aisle that had your snack. Getting your favourite flavour from the shelf, you turn around and walked to the counter.

After you've paid for your food, you headed out the store. Opening the snack, you waited patiently for Kasamatsu. After about two minutes, you finished eating (Favourite Food) and Kasamatsu walks out.

"(Y/N)..." he calls out.

You span around to look at him but was only met with a bunch of flowers in your face. He lowered his hold down when he saw that your face was literally inside the bouquet.

"S-Sorry... This is for you," he sheepishly chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck with his other hand while the other was outstretched, holding the flowers.

Your face was as red as the colour of blood right now. After dating for a year, you thought that you were gonna get used to Kasamatsu giving you gifts, but no, you still get flustered every time he does.

"A-Arigatō, Yukio," you said, taking the bouquet from his hand.

"It's no problem," Kasamatsu said, pecking your cheek.

"You always miss," you said, leaning in and then kissing him.

Pulling away after a minute, Kasamatsu rested his forehead against yours.

"I love you so much, (Y/N)," he says, looking directly at your eyes.

"I love you very much, Yukio," you said as he leaned in and connected his lips with yours.

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Sorry if he's super OOC!
I don't even know if they have prize giving for sports in Japan (≧∇≦)
Anyways, I had an idea to make this since I won the MVP award for badminton and I was so happy !!

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