Murasakibara Atsushi ↣ Crush You

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At the moment, you were struggling to listen to your teacher explain about your current topic in History. You were trying your best to be patient, but unfortunately, it wasn't working. Your eyebrow twitched as you felt him tapping your back again.

'(Y/N)-chin, chips' Murasakibara whispered.

'Not now, Atsushi. You'll need to wait after class to get them' you replied, not turning back.

Murasakibara has gotten himself in trouble a few times for eating in class, resulting in you and Himuro to take his food away from him when it's class time. Both of you always made sure that there were no hidden snacks in his bag, his jacket, or his pockets.

'But (Y/N)-chin' he said, dragging the "i" in chin out.

'No, Atsushi' you sharply said, making the boy behind you huff in annoyance as he crosses his arms and pout.

'So troublesome.' You sighed and continued to listen to the teacher.


'Lunch time, (Y/N)-chin!' Murasakibara said, suddenly popping beside you.

'Hai, hai,' you said, getting his chips inside your bag and handing it to him, 'here you go'

'Th... you (Thank you)' he replied, already munching on his snack.

'Alright, let's go meet up with  Himuro-kun' you grabbed your bag and started walking with him.

'Ah! Wait up, Atsu-kun!' A high pitched voice was heard.

You both turned around and saw Shizuko running towards where you stand.

'Thought I wouldn't catch up to you' she panted then smiled.

'Is there anything you want, Shizuko-san?' you said.

'I just wanted to ask Atsu-kun something' she smiled.

'Well, hurry up. We don't have all day' you said, annoyed at her, making her smirk.

'At~su~kun,' she said, grabbing his hands and intertwining them with her own, 'you should go out with me'

Murasakibara immediately withheld his hands from hers and grabbed mine.

Lifting my hand up along with his, he said, 'Gomen, Shizuko-san, but (Y/N)-chin and I are dating'

Shizuko stood there with her mouth agape. She then walked over to me, raising her hand up, I prepared for the contact and closed my eyes.

'Don't you dare lay a finger on (Y/N)-chin or I will crush you'

You opened your eyes to see Murasakibara holding Shizuko's arm. A scary aura radiating off of him.

'A-Atsushi, let go of her' you tugged his jacket softly to get his attention, seeming as he looked like he wanted to break her arm.

He looked at you and then back at Shizuko. She scampered away as soon as he let go of her arm.

Murasakibara quickly pulled you in for a hug. His arms tightening around your body.

'I love you, (Y/N)' he said, making you bury your head deeper in his chest. (if it's possible lmao)

'I love you too' you replied.

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What even is this
Sorry if it's bad, I haven't quite grasped Murasakibara's personality yet.

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