Takao Kazunari ↣ Safe

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The sheets were getting messy as you kept on tossing and turning around. Sweat was embedded on your forehead. You unconsciously clutched the sheet with one hand while the other is tightly gripping your shirt. You were having a nightmare again. Remembering the past events that had hurt you greatly.

Takao noticed this, deciding to sit up. He looked at your dishevelled figure beside him with half-lidded eyes. He then heard a soft whimper coming from you. Fully turning his body to you, he planned to calm you down.

He put his hand on your head then gently started running his fingers through your hair. After, he turned your body to face him, laid down on his side and hugged you. Your face was to his chest while he rested his chin on your head. He started to whisper sweet nothings and planted a kiss to your head.

"K-Kazu-chan?" you said with a hoarse voice, seeming as you just woke up.

"(Y/N), were you having that nightmare again?" Takao asked, tightening his hold on you.

"Y-Yeah... It was so... so..." you trailed off, holding back your tears.

"Shh, you don't have to tell me, I already know (Y/N), but don't worry about it, alright? No one will harm you as long as I'm here," Takao said, kissing your forehead lovingly.

"Thank you, Kazunari" you said, burying your face in his chest.

"I love you," Takao said.

"I lo... yo... too..." you tried to say, but failed as you fell asleep.

Takao has succeeded once again, stopping your nightmares from continuing on that night. Every time he wraps his arms around you, you never fail to fall asleep in an instant since you can feel the safety and warmth coming from him.

Gently chuckling, Takao says, "Good night, my princess."

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