Akashi Seijūrō ↣ Empress

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(R/G/N) = Random Guy's Name

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'Oh my gosh, there she is'

'We should stay away from her or our reputation will be ruined'

'I heard that she slept with almost every guy in her old school before she came here'

'Why is she even in Rakuzan anyways? Isn't she too dumb to be here?'

'She's such a slut! Someone told me that she cheated on her boyfriend twice before they broke up!'

Whispers were heard all around as you walk through the school hallway to your first class. You kept your head down, your hands tightly holding the strap of your bag.

You transferred to Rakuzan at the beginning of your second year since things didn't go very well in your last school.


You were walking around the school grounds trying to find your boyfriend since it was Valentine's Day. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and was gonna call him until you turned around the corner. There he was, kissing another girl like there was no tomorrow.

'(R/G/N)? W-What's going o-on?' you said, eyes widening in the process.

'Huh?,' he said, turning to face you, 'Oh, it's just you.'

'What do you mean "it's just you"? What the hell, (R/G/N)?!' you screamed.

'I'll see you later, babe. Let me talk to her first" he said to the girl, kissing her one last time.

After the girl left, he walked over to you and tried to grabbed your hand but you stepped back.

'Don't touch me. You're disgusting" you said, glaring at him.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair, 'Look, (Y/N), we're just not working out. I mean at the start of the relationship it was pretty fun, I admit, but I lost interest in you as time went by'

'Let me ask you one thing'

'What is it?'

You looked at him directly in his eyes and said, 'Were you with... with her every time you said you were busy?'

He tensed up, suddenly avoiding your eyes.

'Answer me.' You said, your voice wavering.

He hesitantly looked you in the eyes, 'Yes, I was'

It was quiet for a moment until he spoke again.

'Well, the truth is I... I never really liked you. My friends thought it would be funny to play with your feelings since you had a huge crush on me. I don't know why I agreed to do the dare but I did, so here I am now. I'm really sorry though. I hope we can still be friends' he bowed and then left without hearing your thoughts about the situation.

So this was all a joke to him. This relationship. The moments we shared. It was all a lie. It was an act. Why am I so foolish? Is there something wrong with me?

You just stood there, frozen in your spot. Tears were coming down like waterfall from your eyes.

A week after the breakup, a rumour started going around the school. The rumour was about you "cheating" on (R/G/N). It wasn't that bad at the time but as months went on, you couldn't take it anymore. So many rumours about you were being told from one person to another. Your friends stopped hanging out with you since they said that you would just bring them down with your drama.

(R/G/N) knew the rumours weren't true, but he didn't do anything to stop them. He just stood there by the sidelines and acted as if everything was fine.

Even though you were hurting like hell on the inside, you still decided to finish the rest of your school year since it was only a month left.


Someone has accidentally bumped into you, making you fall to the ground with a thud.

'Oh, sorry! Didn't know there was a bitch standing there' the person laughed, walking away after the interaction.

Come on, you're tougher than this (Y/N). You've handled them for a year and a half. Don't break now.

Strands of your hair were covering your face at the moment. You bit your lip hard, trying your hardest not to cry.

'Here' a familiar voice said, lending a hand to you.

You looked up and saw Akashi softly smiling at you. You grabbed his hand and he helped you up.

'Are you alright, (Y/N)?' He said with worry evident in his tone.

'Y-Yeah! Don't worry about it, Sei-kun! I'm used to it by now' you said, nervously laughing.

He sighed and then grabbed your hand, making you follow him to wherever he was going. He stood at the end of the hallway and shouted, 'May I please have everyone's attention on me?'

Every student stopped what they were doing and turned around to face Akashi who was tightly holding your hand. You looked at Akashi as if he was a creature from another planet,

What the hell is he planning to do?!

'This lady here is very special to me and I would very much like it if everyone stopped spreading false rumours about her. She's my empress, and if one of you brats hurt her then I will make your life a living hell. Do I make it clear?' He said.

The hallway was filled with quiet voices that agreed with Akashi's little speech.

He then dragged you to the roof top, not letting go of your hand.

'Thank you, Seijūrō' you said, looking down.

He softly gripped your chin with his fingers and made you look at him in the eyes, 'Tell me if they start bullying you again and I will deal with them. I'll always protect you, (Y/N) because I love you'

He hugged you tightly, making you bury your face on his chest.

'I-I love y-you too' you stuttered, making Akashi chuckle.

'You're too adorable for your own good' he said, kissing your forehead.

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Finally done with the one shots for all the GoM! Now on to the next characters! ()

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