Hanamiya Makoto ↣ Unspoken Words (2)

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It's been months since the incident happened. Both of you have been a living wreck, but one is a bit better at hiding it. You've gotten quieter around your friends while Makoto got harsher in general.

Your friends were worrying about you since you've been down ever since Makoto "cheated". They decided to take action and go talk to Makoto without you knowing.

Sana walked inside the gym, quickly spotting Makoto with her eyes. Without hesitation, she walked straight to him, making everyone stop practicing.

Makoto recognised Sana. She's one of your closest friends, and because of this, he started to glare at her.

"What the hell are you doing here? Can't you see that we're practicing?" Makoto said.

"I don't care! Do you know what you've done to (Y/N)?!" Sana growled.

Makoto's eyes shook at the mention of your name, but remained still. Sana, with a sharp eye, quickly spotted Makoto's behaviour.

"I do know and I don't care! She can suffer all she wants! " Makoto yelled.

"You may have fooled others, but you can't fool me. I know you still have feelings for (Y/N) and if you weren't such a wuss about this, if you just believed in your relationship then I'm sure you'd both be happy as hell right now." Sana said, glaring at Makoto.

"A wuss about what? She was just a toy any-"

"Can you be honest to yourself for once?! If you don't really love her then why are you still wearing the bracelet she gave you at the start of your relationship?" Sana said.

"It's none of your damn business. Now, leave. We don't need a nuisance like you in this gym." Makoto said, pointing at the door.

"Fine. Just remember that this is all your fault. She's changed, Makoto. She's changed and it's all because of you." Sana said, walking out the door.

Silence sounded throughout the whole gym as Sana walked out. Makoto glared at her until she can no longer be seen. He looked around and saw his teammates looking at him, making him irritated.

"What are you punks looking at? Practice is over." Hanamiya said, getting his bag.

You unconsciously walked past Hanamiya as he got out of the gym, making him look up. His eyes widened, this is the first time in months that he's been close to you. His feet moved as if they were automatic. His mouth calling your name even though it was against his will.

"(Y/N)!" Hanamiya yelled.

You stopped as soon as you heard the familiar voice. You turned around, shocked to see Hanamiya running towards you.

He stopped right in front of you, looking at you straight in the eyes. It was either now or never.

Hanamiya took a deep breath.

"I love you." he said.


Hello! I'm finally back after so many months! I'm sorry I went on a hiatus without telling you guys, but school just made me so frustrated...
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this update!  I will be writing and publishing more chapters soon!

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